the inter-union galvanized by the success of the mobilization and the demonstrations

by time news

Rise in power without exhausting the troops. After having succeeded, Thursday, January 19, their first show of force against the pension reform, the eight main workers’ unions and five youth defense movements want to take advantage of this success to install the challenge in the long term. More determined than ever to keep the pressure on the executive branch, they announced a new national day of action for January 31. Their objective is simple – in its statement: to obtain the ” withdrawal “ of a project that they consider “unacceptable” and contrary to “interests of the people”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: 1.12 million demonstrators in the street for the first day of mobilization

This decision on the continuation of the operations was taken at the end of a meeting of the inter-union, which was held, Thursday evening in Paris, in the premises of Solidaires, one of the thirteen organizations involved in the fight . The outcome of the discussions was watched with curiosity, because some protagonists, such as the CGT, pleaded for initiatives that could be renewed every day. This option has ” start “ to be mentioned during the exchanges on Thursday evening, but it did not prosper, for lack of unanimity, according to Marylise Léon, the number two of the CFDT: ” leave “ in this way to ” beginning “ of a mobilization “is not the right strategy”, she explained, in response to questions from journalists. For the cedist leader, it is more effective to ” concentrates[r] on dates that we decide collectively”.

However, the protesters will not remain idly by January 31. They call to occupy the land, in particular on January 23, the day of the presentation in the Council of Ministers of the bill relating to the reform. “The important thing is that there is a rolling fire of actions which shows that, every day, the workers are determined not to leave this government alone”hammered Catherine Perret, confederal secretary of the CGT: rallies in front of the prefectures, torchlight processions, concerts of pans, general assemblies… The goal is to be identified in the public space and to maintain the flame of the revolt.

600 000 signatures

In certain sectors of activity, it is not excluded that the situation will harden. Thus, the national federation of the CGT in the chemical industries launched a call for a strike of forty-eight hours, from January 26, and seventy-two hours, from February 6, knowing that it could be offered to employees to carry out “shutdown of refining facilities”. “We are perfectly aware that one day will not be enough to make the government back down”, had declared, on January 12 on BFM-TV, Eric Sellini, the CGT national coordinator at TotalEnergies, acknowledging that the fuel supply of service stations was likely to be affected. During the week of Monday, January 23, the CGT federation of mines and energy also plans “to anchor the renewable strike in the companies”, according to its secretary general, Sébastien Menesplier: the methods chosen should be in line with those chosen by the CGT chimie.

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