The International Criminal Court: Putin can be tried

by time news – The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Kahn claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin may stand trial despite Moscow claiming that it is not subject to the decisions of the international body.

In an interview with CNN the day after the ICC’s decision to issue an arrest warrant against the Russian leader for war crimes related to the deportation of Ukrainian children, Kahn recalled the historic trials against Nazi war criminals, former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic and former Liberian leader Charles Taylor, as examples of seemingly untouchable figures who have faced justice.

“They were all powerful figures, yet they found themselves in courtrooms”, he said. Russia is among the countries that have not signed the international treaty which established the Court in The Hague. For this reason, Putin is considered unlikely to be tried in court, but Kahn does not think so.

Putin, he stressed, is the first head of a permanent member state of the United Nations Security Council to receive an arrest warrant from the Court.

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