The international electoral agenda for November

by time news

2023-11-07 02:00:00

In chronological order, the notable elections to take place in the world during November 2023 are the following:

Mars 7

Presidential runoff in LIBERIA

The former soccer player and current president of this African country since 2017, George Weah, will seek re-election supported by the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) party, while the former vice president (2006-17), Joseph Boakai, is running for the opposition. with the Unity Party (UP).

Weah seeks his second term, but an open-ended runoff is expected
In the very close first round, Weah led his rival by tenths, obtaining 43.8% of the votes against Boakai’s 43.4%; The rest of the votes were distributed among 18 candidates where none exceeded 3%. A close final result between both contenders is expected again for the second round.

Thursday 16

Presidential in MADAGASCAR

Rajoelina seeks third term in Madagascar
This island country in southern Africa will have presidential elections with several former presidents contesting the head of state. The two-time president, Andry Rajoelina, is going for a third term supported by his new coalition All of Us, while Hery Rajaonarimampianina will run for New Strength for Madagascar and Marc Ravalomanana will run for I Love Madagascar.

Domingo 19

Presidential runoff in ARGENTINA

Sergio Massa and Javier Milei define the Presidency in the second round
The Presidency of the country will be defined between the current Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, who is in a formula with the Chief of Staff Agustín Rossi and has the support of the ruling coalition Unión por la Patria (PJ, Frente Renovador and allies). While the national deputy, Javier Milei, is running for the opposition, running alongside Victoria Villarruel, his benchmate in La Libertad Avanza.

In the first round, Massa led Milei with 36.8% of the votes, who gained the support of 30% of the electorate. Facing the runoff, the former candidate of Together for Change (UCR, PRO and allies), Patricia Bullrich, who came third and obtained 23.8% of the votes, gave her support to Milei but the Radical Civic Union declared neutrality before the runoff. The Socialist Party announced its support for Massa and the other candidates have not defined a preference.

Monday 20

Parliamentarians and referendum in MARSHALL ISLANDS

Hilda Heine, former president of the Marshal Islands and current parliamentarian
On these Oceanian islands, the 33 members of Parliament will be renewed, who will be elected in 19 single-member constituencies by simple majority voting and five multi-member constituencies of between two and five seats. All candidates are running as independents.

On the same date, a referendum will be held on changes to the right to access citizenship, adding the position of Ombudsman and limiting the functions of the attorney general, among other issues.

Wednesday 22

Parliamentarians in NETHERLANDS

Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius, candidate of the ruling VVD. Photo: AFP
The House of Representatives of the Netherlands is renewed, where the prime minister since 2010, the liberal Mark Rutte, will not run again and his party, the People for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), has Justice Minister Dilan as its candidate. Yesilgöz-Zegerius. With chances of entering Parliament are Geert Wilders heading the Party for Freedom (PVV), Pieter Omtzigt of New Social Contract (NSC), Henri Bontenbal of Christian Democratic Call (CDA), Rob Jetten of the socio-liberal Democrats 66 (D66 ), Frans Timmermans from the coalition between the Greens of GroenLinks (GL) and the Labor Party (PvdA), Lilian Marijnissen from the Socialist Party (SP) and Mirjam Bikker from the Christian Union (CU).

Thursday 30

Legislative in BHUTAN

Bhutan renews its 47-member National Assembly
In this Asian country, the 47 seats in its National Assembly will be renewed, the social democrats of the DNT will seek to retain the absolute majority with the candidacy of Prime Minister (2018-23) Lotay Tshering and opposite will be the conservative DPT led by Dorji Wangdi.
#international #electoral #agenda #November

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