The Ioannina Climate Pact was approved

by time news

2023-12-15 13:56:05

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

With a significant success, the municipal authority of the Municipality of Ioannito completes its term, as the Climate Pact, submitted by the Municipality and which includes the strategic planning until 2030, was approved by the competent bodies of the European Commission, in order for the city to achieve the goal of climate neutrality.

The next step will be the granting of official certification to the Municipality by the European Commission, which will pave the way for the implementation of projects and actions with guaranteed European and national resources.
The actions, included in the Climate Pact, are integrated into five central axes together with the indicative financing:
-Energy – energy systems with total costs of 40 million euros.
-Mobility and transport with a total expenditure of 400 million euros.
-Waste and circular economy with a total expenditure of 11 million euros.
-Green infrastructure and nature-based solutions with a total expenditure of 250 million euros.
-Built environment with total costs of 220 million euros.
“We are proud as a municipal authority, because, led by the visionary Moses Elisaf, we managed to realize our goal. Through an intensive and painstaking effort of the municipal authority and with minimal resources, we succeeded in having Ioannina recognized pan-European as a pioneering city, in which the Municipality, institutions and citizens, through a joint effort, proved that they can achieve ambitious goals to ensure a sustainable future .
We have to thank all the city’s agencies, who supported the city’s and the municipality’s efforts from the beginning. Their help was crucial to reach the desired result. We must thank the team of collaborators, who worked, and the scientists of all specialties, who contributed their experience to make the city’s goal possible. We have to thank the services of the Municipality, the direct partners who worked hard for this effort, but also all those who believed in the goal”, it is stated in a statement of the municipal authority.


#Ioannina #Climate #Pact #approved

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