the IOC reaffirms its desire to reinstate Russian and Belarusian athletes, but says nothing about Paris 2024

by time news

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) had been summoned for several weeks to clarify its position on the return of Russian and Belarusian athletes to the concert of world sport. On Tuesday 28 March, at the end of the first day of its Executive Board meeting, the IOC reiterated the recommendation it had made at the end of January to reinstate athletes from both countries, under a neutral banner and provided that they have not actively supported the war in Ukraine.

The body based in Lausanne (Switzerland), on the other hand, has not taken any position on their possible participation in the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) of Paris 2024 – and those of winter in Milan-Cortina (Italy) in 2026 -, referring “at an appropriate date” the moment of this decision, when the qualifying events for the JOP have already started in a number of Olympic disciplines.

After four months of consultations with the National Olympic Committees, the International Federations (IFs) and the representatives of the athletes, the IOC reaffirmed on Tuesday, unanimously by the members of the Executive Board, its desire to allow the IFs and the organizers of sports competitions the responsibility of admitting or not Russian and Belarusian sportsmen.

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The boss of world sport has also issued a series of six recommendations – a kind of instructions – which aims to“harmonize the rules” between international federations, as stated by Thomas Bach, the German President of the IOC.

“A day of shame for the IOC”

Russian and Belarusian athletes can thus only return to sports competitions as individuals and under a neutral banner; national teams from these two countries cannot be admitted; neither can the athletes who actively support the war in Ukraine; nor those who are under contract with the army or the security services; any “neutral” Russian and Belarusian athlete allowed to compete must also meet the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency; finally, the flags, anthems or national symbols of the two countries remain banned from international sports competitions which cannot be organized on the territory of Russia and Belarus – competitions for which officials from the two countries cannot be invited or accredited.

While boycott threats are becoming more and more heavy on the JOP in Paris – Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic countries say they are ready to do so in the event of a Russian presence – Thomas Bach insisted on the fact that the IOC would decide on the participation of Russians and Belarusians in the 2024 Games, after monitoring the application of its recommendations over the coming weeks, “at the appropriate time, in its sole discretion, and without being bound by the results of the Olympic qualifying events”.

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The IOC’s recommendations did not fail to provoke strong reactions Tuesday in the Western camp. The German Interior Minister thus speaks of“a slap in the face to Ukrainian athletes”. “International sport must clearly condemn Russia’s brutal war of aggression. This can only be done by completely excluding Russian and Belarusian athletes”was indignant on Twitter Nancy Faeser. The same anger in Poland, where Deputy Foreign Minister Piotr Wawrzyk, did not hesitate in a tweet to talk about“a day of shame” for the International Olympic Committee.

Researcher at the Institute of International and Strategic Relations Lukas Aubin believes that the IOC’s decision is not a victory for Vladimir Putin – the Russian Olympic Committee indeed denounces criteria for reinstatement “discriminatory”. “But it’s as if Putin had put his foot in the doorhe explains. This leaves open the possibility of future discussions. »


According to the specialist in Slavic studies, the body is at an impasse. “There are only two potential ways out of the crisis: either the reintegration of the Russians and Belarusians, but here the IOC is alienating Ukraine and part of the Western camp; or their exclusion, at the risk for the IOC of alienating a good part of the non-Western camp, in particular African and Asian [dont les comités olympiques régionaux se sont prononcés récemment en faveur de la réintégration]. »

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Isolated on the international scene after the invasion of Ukraine a year ago, Russia today has “reconstituted a block form”notes Lukas Aubin, which allows him to assert his interests. “His anti-Western rhetoric seems to be working”notes the researcher.

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