The Iranian commander threatens to attack Israel with a hypersonic missile that evades any defense

by time news

The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards threatened to attack Israel with a hypersonic missile that evades any defense and bragged that everyone is asking them not to attack. “From Biden to Netanyahu to Bin Salman to the Londoners, the French and the Germans, bankrupt in world politics”

The commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Hussein Salami, said at the ceremony of the 11th anniversary of the death of Hassan Tehrani Mujadam, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ missile unit, which was held this morning, that “the enemies of these days have fulfilled their wishes and incited the people, but their faces have turned to stone, they lack Onim. The Iranian nation has not stopped and is moving, we have developed a hypersonic missile that no defense can stand against.”

Hussein Salami declared and warned and bragged: “We told the enemies that we will attack you, we will take your peace, we will definitely take their peace, they have been restless for several days and are on alert.” He added: “They are afraid and regularly send us messages through several countries not to attack.”

Salami continued to threaten: “If we look at the enemy, we will see those who stand against the Iranian nation. From Biden to Netanyahu to Bin Salman to the Londoners, the French and the Germans, bankrupt in world politics. This is the political obstacle of the new controversy. We stand against all the powers. We are the saviors of our heroes, we will sink America, Saudi Arabia, England and France. They came with the idea of ​​subversion, but we will see their collapse.”

He noted: “We drove the enemy out of the Persian Gulf. Few remnants of them remain in Iraq and they are trapped in the corners of the Syrian state. The enemy has lost its power due to political change.”

He also said: “I say that this direction of intervention in Iran comes from the White House, those who sit in the window of Riyadh, Tel Aviv, New York and Paris are plotting riots. Their opinions are also published in the media associated with them. They want Iran like Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin held a conference in Iran without the Shah of Iran’s knowledge, and when the Shah visited them, they did not count him.”

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