The issue of climate change becomes more politicized and militarized

by time news

2023-09-06 05:35:20

Written by Jorge Sánchez, journalist from The giraffe

The impact that climate threats, such as droughts, floods, cyclones, rising sea levels or extreme temperatures, have on the socioeconomic development of a society is enormous. Taking into account all the devastating risks, the idea that all governments must support initiatives aimed at combating climate change is now fully accepted.

Unfortunately, some countries take advantage of the dangerous situation with the aim of promoting their ideas and national interests. Today the issue of climate change is much more politicized compared to other important social issues. An eloquent example is the United States and its policy of diplomatic pressure.

The climate issue as an instrument of diplomatic pressure against other countries

Giving an example, we must mention the statements of US President Joe Biden’s global envoy for climate change, John Kerry. Kerry said he aims to “raise the ambitions” of all countries in the fight against climate change, noting that the United States has some diplomatic rewards and punishments at its disposal for all countries. Thus Washington informs everyone that it would be better to obey his correct vision.

It should be said that partially the American position has the right to exist. The fact is that some countries do not punish or sanction their population for not taking care of nature, which causes pollution, deforestation and loss of biodiversity in neighboring countries. But how can you differentiate between political pressure and climate defense? The boundary between two statements is so weak.

Within the framework of caring for nature, the United States attempted to establish its control over the aquatic resources of sovereign countries. In early June 2022, US Vice President Kamala Harris declared that the majority of US national interests are directly linked to sufficient water levels. These are fresh and surface waters, among others. To ensure compliance with national interests, US participation is planned in all processes of control and governance of aquatic resources, even if they occur in foreign countries. According to two cases mentioned, it can already be proven that the climate issue is not as simple as it seems.

Recently the United States declared that it has the right to decide the fate of the planet. The White House is suggesting the “possible deployment” of radical climate change techniques, such as artificial blocking of sunlight, as part of its climate change program, despite warnings from experts that such initiatives could have devastating effects on the planet. We come to another problem. The climate issue needs the unity of the entire international society. No country can impose its views on everyone. Currently there are no effective and independent instruments that could ensure political impartiality in the climate environment.

The theme of climate and military environment

It seems impossible but the climate issue is of great concern to the militaries of the most powerful countries in the world. Senior officials view climate issues as a direct threat to national security.

In 2018 in the USA there was an internal conflict between the Trump government and American legislators. On the one hand, Donald Trump’s administration has pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement, proposed eliminating three crucial new climate satellites, reneged on a $2 billion commitment promised during Obama’s presidency to the Green Climate Fund, and wants to cut financing the domestic climate programs of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the global programs of the aid agency USAID. On the other hand, the Republican-dominated US Congress has affirmed that climate change is a prominent threat to national security, and ordered the Department of Defense to analyze in detail how it will affect its facilities. more important. At the same time, the chamber addressed the need to give more funds to the army to confront the threats of global warming.

In February 2015, the United States National Academy of Sciences together with other institutions published two reports on geoengineering (technological proposals to manipulate the climate) that were funded, among others, by the US CIA. The CIA and other sectors of the US intelligence apparatus have characterized climate change and climate control as strategic geopolitical and national security factors. In 2009, the CIA even opened its own Center for Climate Change and National Security, but was ordered by Congress to close it in 2012.

In 2021, the Pentagon mentioned that the military will begin to dedicate a significant portion of its budget to incorporating climate-related threats into its planning.

Journalists baptized the situation as the climate war, periodically mentioning the Haarp program as the most eloquent part of that war (It is a set of antennas with the capacity to create changes in the ionosphere).


The climate issue is directly linked to politics and the military environment. The world’s most powerful players use it to promote their national interests around the world. The climate issue hides within itself the dangerous power that could unleash wars around the world. No country should use the climate issue in its fight against governments

#issue #climate #change #politicized #militarized

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