The Italian newspaper revealed: Netanyahu’s request from the Prime Minister of Italy

by time news

Netanyahu’s request: Ahead of the Prime Minister’s political visit to Italy and his meeting with the Prime Minister there, Georgia Maloney, Netanyahu gave an interview to the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica”. In the newspaper, Netanyahu was asked about the demonstrations against his government and Israeli democracy. Netanyahu stated in an interview that he plans to ask Prime Minister Maloni to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

“I believe the time has come for Rome to recognize that Jerusalem was the ancestral capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years,” Netanyahu said in an interview, “just as the United States did in a gesture of great friendship.” “I believe the time has come for Rome to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish people,” he added.

The demonstration outside Israel “shows how powerful our democracy is” | Photo: Erik Marmor/Flash90

Regarding the protests by opponents of the reform in the country, Netanyahu said: “The protests show how powerful our democracy is,” he told the newspaper, “People very much want the balance between the executive, legislative and judicial branches to be restored. The problem is with the judicial system, which has extraordinary powers, and thus the balance is violated. The judicial system should be independent, not omnipotent”.

“Ben Gabir and Smotrich joined Likud, not the other way around”

“I remember that when I passed the economic reforms,” ​​Netanyahu continued, “there were many demonstrations. At the time, people were against the transition to a market economy. The trade unions continued (with protests) for months, but in the end the reforms created a very solid economy,” Netanyahu said.

Smotrich and Ben Gvir, “Join Likud, not the other way around” Photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90

Netanyahu also referred to his coalition partners Smotrich and Ben Gvir about whom he said: “Ben Gvir and Smotrich joined the Likud, not the other way around. Security policy, foreign policy and many other crucial decisions take place at the direction of the government that the Likud is entrusted with under my leadership.”

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