The JEC warns Minister Bolaños for breaching his duty of neutrality in Moncloa

by time news

2023-06-14 23:08:50

The Central Electoral Board (JEC) has warned the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolanosfor violating article 50.2 of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG), which prohibits allusions to achievements by the public authorities since the electoral call or criticism of other political parties, in a press conference after the Council of Ministers, although it has clarified that not applicable apply the initiation of disciplinary proceedings as claimed by the PP.

The ‘populares’ requested the opening of a disciplinary file against the Minister of the Presidency for using the Moncloa press conference to carry out “electoralism”, violating, in their opinion “clearly”, the principle of neutrality that the law requires of the public powers during the electoral period.

In the resolution, the arbitration body urges Bolaños “to issue the appropriate instructions so that during the remainder of the electoral period they are withdrawals from the institutional website demonstrations values”, since, in future institutional acts, “extreme its diligence To avoid violating the principle of neutrality that the public powers are obliged to respect during the electoral process”.

Thus, the JEC has also explained that the use of an institutional act, such as the press conference after the Council of Ministers, would be in breach of article 50.2 of the LOREG as it was issued during the same “assessments that disqualify the leader of another political formation”in reference to the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, as well as “allusions flattering to achievements and achievements resulting from the management developed” by the Government of which the minister is a part.

The PP’s complaint echoed an intervention in Bolaños on June 6, at the Moncloa Palace, in which, asked about the “repeal” of the PP to measures by the Sánchez Executive, the minister pointed out that “the project politician” by Feijóo “is repealing” and “is destructive”. “It is making our country go backwards, repealing advances that we have approved during this legislature,” criticized the government representative.

In line, the JEC has argued that, in this case, “it would be breaking the principle of institutional neutrality” -which derives from article 103.1 of the Constitution and which is developed in article 50.2 of the LOREG– due to the fact that Bolaños made “critical evaluations and appreciations that transmit, even indirectlythe idea that the political project of the main candidate of another political formation is a destructive project”.

In addition, the body has recalled that, in previous agreements, the JEC already indicated that “it has to be very clear” that the high positions of the Public Administrations “are at the service of all Spaniards and that, therefore, the partisan use of the institutional resources assigned to them is absolutely prohibited for the benefit of a certain political faction.”

“The making of evaluative allusions and appreciations with an electoral connotation could be legitimate in the course of a campaign act or in the ordinary exercise of freedom of expression, but not in the performance of the institutional activity of a public authority,” has resolution completed.

In this context, the Minister of Territorial Policy and Government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, has opened two disciplinary proceedings in the JEC for violating her duty of neutrality when she appears in Moncloa as a spokesperson during the electoral period and that can lead to fines of between 300 and 3,000 euro.

#JEC #warns #Minister #Bolaños #breaching #duty #neutrality #Moncloa

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