The Jerusalem educator and lecturer passed away at the age of 90

by time news

Educator and lecturer Mrs. Yochaved Zeinwirt from Jerusalem passed away this morning at the age of 90. She lived through the events of the Holocaust and served as a well-known educator at Beit Ya’akov and was accepted by all the classes. Her funeral this morning from Shamgar to the Mount of Olives

Baruch Dayan the truth: From Jerusalem comes the bitter news of the departure of the distinguished woman educator and lecturer Mrs. Yochaved Tseinwirt AH and she was 90 years old when she passed away.

The late A.H. was born in Romania on the 2nd of Cheshon in the year 1733, to her father Rabbi Moshe Monderer ztzel, went through the terrible events of the Holocaust, drank the poisoned cup under the evil Nazi rule and by the grace of God managed to escape from the jaws of evil.

All her days were a pure tract of work and education for the worship of God, and the name of Heaven was always on her tongue.

She taught and was educated at the school and seminary ‘Beit Ya’akov’, and ‘Beit Ya’akov Hishen’ and ‘Babanat Yerushalayim’, and because of her personality she was accepted by all sectors. She often told her students and grandchildren all the things that happened to her, so that the last generation would know, thus strengthening everyone’s faith in the Creator of all worlds.

She was known as a lecturer and preacher with a supreme grace and was in demand for the lectures she gave.

Zechta left behind her generations of righteous and blessed sons Rabbi Rabbi Avraham Avish, Rabbi David Aryeh, Rabbi Rabbi Yochanan, Rabbi Yitzhak Yehoshua. Her husband, the Gaon Rabbi David Schweimer, rabbi and councilor of the Vizhnitz community of Beit Shemesh, the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Naftali Deitch, the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Hirschman from the heads of the HaMedidiim community, and the Rabbis of the Walls, the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Derbarmediker Dayan at the Hasher Hospital And the best, the Gaon Rabbi Shalom Neufeld Rabbi of Yeshiva Dushinskaya, the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Segal, the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Barim, the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Rabinowitz, sons and sons of sons, grandsons and great-grandsons who practice Torah and Mitzvot.

Her funeral will take place this morning (Friday, the holy Shabbat eve of Deuteronomy – Chazon) at 10:30 a.m. at the Shamgar funeral home in Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives, where Titman is.

May her soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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