The Jerusalemite died on the night of the holy day

by time news

The righteous genius Rabbi Moshe Sheinberger zt’l, one of the greatest of the persevering and worshipers of God in Jerusalem, died on the night of Yom Kippur after accepting the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven. His funeral was held tonight from the Spinka Hospital on Rashit Chochma Street where he studied his Talmud.

Baruch Dayan the Truth: On the night the holy day was sanctified, the tzaddik genius Rabbi Moshe Sheinberger zt’l, the owner of the “Menchat Moshe” tractate on Shabbat, returned his pure soul by accepting the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven when the holy day was sanctified, and he is 89 years old.

The deceased was born in Jerusalem to his father Rabbi Menachem Manish Sheinberger ztzal, and was the son-in-law of Rabbi Chaim David Yadler ztzal.

The Holy Torah was the heart of his life and he always erred in its love, day and night he did not sit down and did not go out of the tent, he preached the Torah many years and made many disciples, his prayer was in moderation and he returned to his mind as a son who repents before our Father in heaven, he was crowned with every measure that the Torah was bought in and especially with the virtue of clean hands and his vigilance The petition in matters of appointees.

He used to sit and study in the Spinka Beit Midrash on Rasit Chochma Street in Jerusalem. And was known as “Der Medim von Spinka Schol”. Compiled the book Menchat Moshe on the complicated chapters of the Shabbat treatise.

He won and left behind him a blessed generation of righteous men, sons and daughters-in-law and descendants who continue his path.

His funeral will take place this evening, on Thursday, the first day of Yom Kippur, at 11:00 PM in the Beit Midrash of the Spinka Chassidut on Rashit Chochma St.

They sit for seven days until the eve of the holiday at his home, 6 Rabbi Yitzhak Nafcha Street, Geulah neighborhood, Jerusalem.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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