» The judicial branch and the academy analyze the reforms proposed by the national government

by time news

2023-11-10 00:38:46

Published: November 9, 2023

In joint work with the Superior Court of Medellín and the College of Judges and Prosecutors of Antioquia, the Externado University Extension Directorate, led by Dr. Antonio Roveda, organized a discussion to analyze the reforms to health, education, labor and pension that are underway in the country.

The Externado University of Colombia, as a light and beacon of knowledge, is and will continue to be a stage of participation in which analysis, ideas and reflections are shared on the issues that concern society, to generate new perspectives that allow the construction of a best country. Under this premise, this discussion brought together experts from each sector, who provided different contributions on the legislation of the four initiatives, with the purpose that these effectively meet the expectations and needs of Colombians. ).

“Issues such as the access of more people to the health service without the destructuring of the current model or a lack of control in public spending; quality teaching and the correct training of our young people; the achievement of a more egalitarian society; job creation mechanisms; among others; These will be issues that will be dealt with here by experts. Our vision on the issues of the reforms must provoke in each of us reflections for “a better life””, stated the Academic Director of the University, Sandra Patricia Verano.

For Jorge Humberto Calle, president of the College of Judges and Prosecutors of Antioquia, the academy, litigants and judges must work hand in hand to identify the needs and be prepared for the challenges posed by the legislative reforms that are in process, for the effective administration of justice.

“There is no doubt that we all want to access a well-paid formal job; to a pension that reflects the contributions made during working life; to a timely health service with suitable professionals; and quality education. To contribute to that, we must study and analyze each of the proposals, understand and discuss them; This event is a way to contribute to its construction,” concluded Calle.

The dean of the Externado Faculty of Educational Sciences, Cecilia Dimaté, participated in the panel on education reform. During his speech, he mentioned the different needs that the territories have, especially those that are far from the main cities, to be able to access quality preschool, basic, middle and higher education, which represents an enormous challenge in the country, taking into account takes into account the high rurality that exists in the population. Likewise, she questioned the disproportion in priority issues that the reform gives to public and private education: “Why don’t we talk about a mixed system, as has been operating in the country, that can reach all these territories? Public education, alone, will not be able to reach the entire country.”

At the Externado de Colombia University we reaffirm our commitment to continue generating spaces for analysis and reflection, to continue contributing positively to the construction of a better Colombia.

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