The judicial scandal with usurpations in La Plata: the lawyer was released

by time news

2023-09-16 00:35:13

He scandal that came to light a week ago in La Plata and in which lawyers, judicial officials and even police were implicated for being part of a network of cases, alleged requests for bribes and even keeping homes through trout deeds, had another novelty this Friday.

One of the detainees, the lawyer from La Plata, Juan Manuel Fontana, regained his freedom this afternoon after a measure issued by Guarantees Judge Pablo Raele, which gave rise to the defense’s proposal.

As published, A police officer, a notary and eight other suspects, including lawyers and officials, were arrested on Friday, September 8, accused of being part of a gang dedicated to usurping homes. and then market them with apocryphal writings, in La Plata, sources from the investigation reported.

The raids, about 20, were carried out this morning after more than two months of investigation and were carried out by personnel from the Anti-Fraud Division of the Superintendency of Federal Investigations of the Argentine Federal Police (PFA).

According to the spokespersons, the investigations managed to connect different cases of usurpations that were being repeated in La Plata.

According to investigators, the organization usurped the properties and passed the information to a notary, who was then in charge of preparing the adulterated documentation.

Subsequently, the properties were published through different platforms and sold fraudulently.

With the evidence collected, the La Plata prosecutor Bettina Lacki requested the raids from the head of the Guarantee Court 5 of La Plata, Marcela Inés Garmendia, who agreed to the request and ordered the procedures.

One of the operations was carried out in a notary’s office, where the owner of the office, Julián Castrillo, was arrested, and according to sources, the observer appointed by the Public School of Notaries had alerted the defendants about the measure that was going to take place. to be held.

However, the officers stationed at the scene prevented any leak of information, since they were stationed at the door of the notary’s office from early hours.

Meanwhile, another of the detainees was police officer Carlos Abel Ibarrolas, from the Custody Division of the Buenos Aires force, who worked in a Functional Instruction and Trial Unit (UFIJ) of the Judicial Department of La Plata.

For the investigations, the police officer apparently provided information about the pending cases, although this maneuver is still the subject of investigation.

Finally, a total of ten were arrested, including lawyers and officials, and a large number of storage devices, documentation and firearms were seized.

All those arrested were transferred to the Warden of the PFA Investigation Superintendency, where they will remain housed while waiting to be investigated by the prosecutor in the case.

#judicial #scandal #usurpations #Plata #lawyer #released

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