The Ketogenic Diet: A YouTuber’s Self-Experiment and Weight Loss Results

by time news

2023-06-19 13:11:00

The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, is a low-carb, high-fat diet. It is based on the principle of putting the body in a state of so-called ketosis, in which it mainly uses fat as an energy source instead of carbohydrates.

YouTuber Dominik Lebersorger wanted to find out how his body reacts to the ketogenic diet and started a self-experiment.

How did the content creator really feel and was Dominik even able to lose weight with the keto diet?

Keteogenic diet: reduce carbohydrates

The goal of a ketogenic diet is to eat so few carbohydrates that the body relies almost exclusively on fat for energy.

If the body no longer gets any carbohydrates and only uses fat as a source of energy, then you are in what is known as ketosis. Once you’re in ketosis, the liver turns fat into what’s called ketones, and that’s our fuel.

A ketogenic diet is also said to have the following benefits:

improved concentration increased fat burning alertness

One week keto diet: YouTuber starts self-test

Day 1: Symptoms of keto flu

On the first day, influencer Dominik Lebersorger mainly eats nuts. But even though his energy level is good, he has this strange feeling all the time: somehow he’s hungry and somehow he’s not. In the evening, he felt unwell, had a tremendous low in energy, and felt dizzy all the time.

In addition, the YouTuber was constantly cold and shaking. After a short research, he found out that these were very likely symptoms of a so-called keto flu.

These can occur when the body is deprived of sugar and carbohydrates. In fact, other symptoms are also possible:

Headache Irritability Difficulty concentrating Lack of motivation Sugar cravings Nausea or an upset stomach Muscle cramps

As soon as you get into what is known as ketosis, the symptoms should decrease again.


Day 2-3: Challenges of the Keto Diet

On the second day, the YouTuber felt significantly better. His feeling of hunger subsided and he only ate ketogenic foods like eggs, broccoli, meat and nuts.

On the third day, on an excursion, Dominik noticed how difficult it is to follow a ketogenic diet when the choice of food is limited. For this reason, on the third day he grabbed a pizza pocket and hoped that it didn’t contain too many carbohydrates. However, he went back to eating keto the rest of the day.

Day 4-5: Strong energy low

On the fourth day, something happened that the YouTuber didn’t expect. Towards the afternoon he had an extreme low in energy, which lasted until the evening. Because of this, the influencer went to bed early and hoped that he would be better the next day.

And indeed, on the fifth day he felt much fitter again. He felt like his body was in ketosis. His stomach seemed flatter and he tolerated the ketogenic diet significantly better.

Day 6-7: Is the ketogenic diet worth it?

At the beginning of the self-experiment, Dominik Lebersorger was already longing for the end of the keto diet – then he could finally eat carbohydrates again.

At the end of the self-experiment, however, he noticed that he no longer had any desire for it. His body had gotten used to the change in diet and even liked the food.

The YouTuber feels very light, very energetic and very awake after a week on the keto diet. He also has the feeling of being thinner and more defined. Many aspects that are said to be related to the ketogenic diet have actually happened. The self-experiment was therefore quite successful for the YouTuber.

However, experts also point out that while you lose weight on a ketogenic diet, it can come back after a few months. The reason for this is the way you eat after the keto diet. It is therefore important that you eat healthily afterwards in order to stay fit and healthy in the long term.

reading tips

-9 kilos in 2 weeks YouTuber tests the egg diet

1 week without sugar What really happens in the body?

OMAD fasting 1 week only one meal a day – a self-experiment

#days #keto #diet #YouTuber #shows #comparison

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