The ‘key’ messages of the parties in the final stretch of the campaign

by time news

2023-07-21 19:21:19

“Let’s make progress win on 23J, let the PSOE win” this is the message with which the Socialists want to close this campaign. In addition, they joke with an image of Pedro Sánchez on their social networks together with his dog, on World Dog Day. They try to ironize like this because of the nickname that has become popular in this campaign.

In the Popular Party they assure that “#EsElMomento for sensible politics” and stress that “they are the solution” against Pedro Sánchez and his policies. The popular ones face the 23J predicting that “it is the moment of the change”.

In Vox they make a call this Friday to the undecided, asking them to “be encouraged to vote” this Sunday. “Vote what matters” is one of the mottos of Abascal’s formation at this end of the campaign.

From Sumar they ask for the support of the voters to “continue promoting ourselves and win the country this Sunday.” Yolanda Díaz assures that they are the only option for the progressive block to continue governing.

With “in defense of Catalonia”, the Catalan separatists of Esquerra Republicana reaffirm their message of demanding a referendum.

The Basque nationalists of the PNV are committed to “#euskadirenahotsa” (“the Basque renaissance”). This Sunday, they say, “the people who will represent the Basque Country in Madrid” are chosen.

In search of the undecided

Just a few hours after the end of the campaign, the political parties do the rest through their messages at rallies and also on social networks. They need to reach as many citizens as possible, especially those who have not yet decided on their vote. In the middle of the holiday period, there are games that abstention can affect more. Normally it is the progressive electorate that finds it most difficult to go to the polls.

The election campaign ends

This Friday is the last day of the electoral campaign for the 2023 general elections. Tomorrow will be the day of reflection before the date indicated in the voters’ calendar. Partido Popular, PSOE, Sumar and Vox close their events in different parts of Spanish territory to try to convince the last undecided voters. Those of Pedro Sánchez, Yolanda Díaz and Abascal coincide in their last electoral act in Madrid. For his part, the popular Alberto Núñez Feijóo will end his campaign in A Coruña.

Núñez Feijóo calls for a “useful vote” for the PP, while Pedro Sánchez shows himself to be the only option to avoid the “dark time tunnel of the pacts between PP and Vox”. Sánchez makes Feijóo ugly because of his possible government pact with the ultra-right and the popular president has urged the PP leader to let the most voted list govern.

#key #messages #parties #final #stretch #campaign

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