“The key to all crises is the refusal to be dominated by the State and the market” Tristan Edelman

by time news

“No peaceful politics as long as there is the State and the market”. Tristan Edelman, artist, energy therapist and author of the book “The Indomitable, Beyond Collapse”pleads in this “Essential interview” for a “new political vision”.

refusal of domination

“The State” et “the market” are in his eyes only “mediations” who divert “the primordial and indomitable energy” individuals. An energy he defines as “the feeling of not being dominated”.

“The permanent crises have made me understand that it is not only a question (to question the) political parties, but the whole system of the state and the market (…) The key to all these crises is the refusal of domination”says Tristan Edelman, explaining that “Anything that mediates, takes control of our mind and body”. To free oneself from it, one must, he says, rediscover “that indomitable energy in oneself or in a group”.

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