The keys to correctly treating fever in children

by time news

Even in the middle of the winter season, viral infections constitute one of the main threats for all population groups, although with special emphasis on children. many of them lead to the appearance of fever in the smallest, Being a defense mechanism of the body to fight germs. If the child’s temperature is higher than 37.5 °C, we must take into account a series of guidelines to promote the well-being of the affected person.

This elevation of the normal body temperature, although it may be worrisome in the first years of life, is a very common condition. According to Dr. Henry Marcano, coordinator of pediatric emergencies at the Hospital Universitari General de Catalunya, “The most common cause in children is a viral infection.” For a correct self-diagnosis of the febrile process, one should not put “the hand on the forehead”, it is mandatory to check it with a thermometer.

The first steps in treating childhood fever include maintain “a comfortable room temperature” and not to put “a lot of clothes on the child,” explains Dr. Henry Marcano. Likewise, “it is not necessary to lower the fever in all circumstances, only if the child is upset”, something that usually happens “from 38-38.5 °C”. However, it is recommended in any case to keep the patient hydrated, offering them plenty of fluids but without forcing them.

“It is not necessary to lower the fever in all circumstances”

Once the best climate at home has been fostered for your well-being, it is necessary to go to the pediatrician and follow the guidelines indicated: “Use the dose of antipyretics recommended by your pediatrician respecting the intervals between doses, even if the fever reappears before. Whenever possible, administer them by mouth, not rectally”, indicates Dr. Marcano.

false myths

One of the most widespread beliefs to lower body temperature in individuals of all ages with fever is to alternate medications. The coordinator of pediatric emergencies at the Hospital Universitari General de Catalunya details that “You should not alternate medications to treat fever, as a general rule and, if you do, we must be sure to adhere to the correct doses and time intervals.”

On many occasions, fever is exaggerated and it is thought that it can cause significant injuries. A completely incorrect idea, since fever acts against infection “so that our defenses fight against it”, Marcano points out. The fever itself is an ailment “that does not cause harm if it is not greater than or equal to 42 °C.”

“Fever does not cause harm if it is not greater than or equal to 42 °C”

Another of the most widespread erroneous thoughts is to believe that antipyretics cure the infection. Fever is the body’s response to it, which is why abusing these medications It will not contribute in any way to solving it, “they only help the child feel better”. In some cases, “it may happen that the cause of the fever is not known until 24-48 hours after its onset,” adds Dr. Marcano.

When to go to the emergency room?

In some extreme cases, it is advisable to go to the ER. However, these are unusual situations, such as the appearance of red spots on the skin that do not disappear when pressed or difficulty breathing, among others. Also, if the child presents fever with less than three months of age, it is necessary to go to the emergency service.

If the affected person, in addition to having a fever, is sleepy, listless or very irritable, have had seizures for the first time in their life or complains of severe headache and vomits several times, it is also advisable to visit the Emergency Department.

To quickly detect these symptoms, it is essential to observe the child even at night and have him with little clothing so that the temperature drops. Once they subside, the follow-up of their evolution must persist over time: “despite the fact that there are no signs of alarm, it is advisable to monitor the fever by your regular pediatrician, that it will verify the good evolution of the child and that it can also detect a focus that has not initially manifested itself due to the short evolution of the condition ”, adds the specialist.

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