The keys to the Inditex agreement for the 27,000 dependents: a minimum of 21,500 euros

by time news

After several months of negotiations, Inditex closed an agreement with the UGT and CC OO unions on Thursday night to establish a minimum salary for the staff of all the group’s stores in Spain, among which there were clear differences by brands and territories at lacking their own agreement and governing their salary policy based on provincial agreements in the sector. With this agreement, the salaries of its 27,000 store clerks are homogenized with a fixed base of 18,000 euros per year, an amount to which must be added the supplements for seniority, variables, sales commissions, night shifts, etc. until getting to receive at least 22,000 euros per year in the case of a saleswoman with less than 18 months of seniority in the company, according to union calculations.

The agreement establishes four tranches. The first, dependents with less than 18 months of seniority whose fixed base will be 18,000 euros per year in twelve installments in all the group’s stores in Spain. The second rises to 20,000 euros for store workers who have been with the company for between 18 months and four years. The third, 22,000 euros from four years old. And the fourth tranche marks a fixed amount of 24,500 euros per year for store managers.

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These new tables will mean that there are territories in which the increase is greater than 6,000 euros a year for the workforce, which on average increases their salaries by 20%, although with areas where salaries were lower where they will rise by 40%, according to union estimates.

Payment for Sunday and holidays

Among the key points of the agreement, the payment for weekends and holidays. The company equates Sundays out of working hours to holidays (whether or not they are ordinary working hours), for which it will pay -at the worker’s choice- 12 euros per hour plus one day off in the case of full-time, or 24 euros per hour without payroll . Sundays that are ordinary days will be paid at 10 euros per hour.

Inditex has also decided to equate the increase in the percentage of commission that the dependents of all brands take to 1.4%. And as for the special incentive or bonus in the payroll for this month of February and in the same month of 2024, it will be 1,000 euros for contracts of 24 hours or more, and 600 euros for less.

This agreement will be valid for three years and will begin to be applied to the payroll of Inditex workers in March 2023, but retroactively from last January.

The group employs more than 165,000 people in 177 countries, with a third of the entire workforce in Spain, according to its annual report. Around 85% work in its almost 6,500 stores, 27,000 people in the case of Spain, the vast majority women.

After the agreement, the CGT union decided yesterday to call off the strike scheduled for this Saturday, considering that the pact covers their claims. This union had promoted the mobilizations and is the majority in Madrid, but it had not sat down at the table because it did not have sufficient representation at the national level.

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