In his speech at the opening of this Forum, organized under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Mr. Chami explained that these efforts consist of improving the legislative and regulatory system and the implementation of its provisions. , as well as a set of programs and incentives that support employment and work within the company and the increase in the SMIG for civil servants and the SMAG for workers in the private sector.
He also indicated that the Kingdom’s Constitution and national social legislation have established a set of guarantees and provisions that are able to promote the conditions of decent and dignified work, including equal access to employment opportunities. employment, the guarantee of fair wages through the legalization of the minimum wage, also citing labor agreements, the right to health coverage, retirement, compensation in the event of job loss, protection against work accidents and occupational diseases, compliance with the requirements in matters of safety and health in the workplace, as well as the regulation of labor relations within the company and between economic and social actors.
In the same context, taking into account the persistence of the economic and social repercussions of the health crisis, the effects of international price fluctuations on the activity of the entrepreneurial fabric and the drop in the number of jobs created by the national economy in In recent years, the creation and preservation of jobs remain among the urgent challenges to be met, said Mr. Chami.
In this regard, he mentioned several opinions and recommendations formulated by the EESC on questions and issues relating to decent work and which called for supporting investment to strengthen economic growth and job creation, as well as the consecration of fundamental labor principles and rights, the establishment of a social protection system and the guarantee of the regularity of social dialogue at all levels.
Decent work should not be an advantage or preferential treatment reserved only for certain employees, but rather a dimension which is at the heart of fundamental rights and standards, guiding principles and good practices provided for by UN bodies and international conventions and treaties concerned with work and the guarantee of social prosperity.
Organized by the Chamber of Councilors in partnership with the CESE on the theme “decent work in favor of sustainable development”, this forum aims to propose parliamentary approaches capable of guaranteeing and strengthening, on the qualitative and quantitative levels, work decent which constitutes one of the foundations of the consolidation of social justice and the consecration of the pillars of the social State, in accordance with the High Royal Guidelines.
The work of this edition, in which members of the government and Parliament, officials of several bodies, constitutional institutions and national and international agencies will take part, will focus on two main themes, namely “decent work and sustainable development ” and “decent work and the challenges of economic upgrading and integration”.