The Knesset will decide: when do you need the neighbors’ approval for an electric charging station?

by time news

The memorandum of the law to regulate the establishment of charging stations for electric vehicles in existing condominiums has been published again – after it was also published during the time of the previous government, without being ultimately approved – and is now open for public comments for about a week, until March 9. What does the law stipulate, how will the construction of charging stations be carried out with its approval and what is the estimated cost for this? Globes answers the main questions.

What is the purpose of the law?

The law refers only to the establishment of charging stations for electric vehicles in existing condominiums. As we know, the issue has already become a “hot” issue and is followed by friction and even neighbor disputes, as far as the use of the electrical infrastructure in the building is concerned. The law, which as mentioned was published as a memorandum in preparation for its actual promotion, is designed to regulate the matter and clarify when the owner of the position is required to be approved by the other tenants and when not.

The published memorandum also includes approval for the establishment of charging stations in parking lots that are not adjacent to their owners’ apartments, and obligates the builders and the other tenants to “determine special arrangements for the use of the parking lot, such as, for example, the designation of certain parking lots for electric vehicle charging.”

When is the law expected to pass?

The memorandum of the law was published for public comments, as required, for one week – until March 9, as part of the implementation of the new state budget. After this period of time has passed, the law will be submitted for approval by the special committee of ministers, and after it is approved, it will be placed on the Knesset’s table for final approval.

Is broad agreement not required?

According to the language of the law – no. As written in the memorandum, a person who wants to establish such a station, including the transfer of the required electrical infrastructure, will not have to obtain the consent of all tenants for this purpose, “if it is about connecting the charging station to the electrical connection used by the owner of the attached parking, or if it is about connecting the charging station to a new electrical connection which is not used by any apartment and is not used by the common property.”

The law states that consent will only be requested when the move affects the common property: according to the language of the law, the consent of a simple majority of the apartment owners will be required “if it is a separate meter, connected to the electricity connection used by the common property”.

How much does it cost to set up a charging station?

As of today, the range is relatively large, and depends, among other things, on the question of the presence of existing infrastructure in the building. If there is a stable, strong infrastructure, and if the parking lot is a few meters away from the electrical panel of the apartment, such a position can be established at a price of up to a thousand shekels. When the establishment of infrastructure is required, including the laying of electrical cables, appropriate excavation, etc., the price will range from NIS 1,500 to NIS 5,000, depending on the scope of the required work.

Does the law refer to a new building?

No. For this purpose, separate regulations were amended. These regulations require the installation of a dedicated infrastructure for charging stations, in every building that has at least six apartments and at least two floors. The regulations state that a basic infrastructure for charging electric vehicles will be built for each parking lot in these buildings, which will allow charging in 20% of the parking lots in the building.

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