The Kremlin currently sees no prospects for peace talks with Ukraine

by time news – The Kremlin sees no prospect of talks for a peace settlement in Ukraine at this moment, given that Russia is expected to achieve the objectives of the special military operation. This was stated by the spokesman of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov. Journalists asked Peskov to comment on a recent statement by the US Secretary of State Antony Blinkaccording to whom the conflict in Ukraine will almost certainly end with diplomacy and talks, which will lead to “a just and lasting peace”.

“We can agree that the result should be a just and lasting peace. As for the prospect of negotiations, we don’t see it for now. We have repeated this several times,” Peskov said. Journalists asked him what would have to happen for the Kremlin to see such a prospect. “The goals of the special military operation should be achieved. Russia must and will achieve these goals,” Peskov replied.

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