The Lack of an Assault: Anarchy Perpetrators’ Defeat in Bnei Brak according to Yaakov Banda

by time news

The writer expresses his refusal to attend meetings where anarchic protest strategists plan their moves, asserting that the form and actions of the protest reveal concerning goals that must be understood in order to frustrate their destructive vision. The protest seems to employ calculated management, propaganda materials, clear messages, and incremental radicalization. Furthermore, the protesters seek to instigate violence between citizens, as the leaders of the anarchic movement have now reached the stage of fratricidal war. The author argues that the push for violence is worsened by the media’s amplification of marginal incidents that sparks an atmosphere in which citizens hurt each other. The content asserts that the anarchists chose Bnei Brak for a demonstration that would lead to the expected violence. However, their arrogance and poor planning strategies made their downfall imminent. The article argues that anarchist actions seek to destroy social structures but asserts that restraint and compassion should be shown towards anarchic leaders.

I don’t sit in meetings where the strategists of the anarchy protest plan their steps, God bless it. And in any case, from the actions and the form that the protest navigates, it is possible to learn about the goals that are – they are particularly worrisome, and by knowing them we can sabotage the destructive vision of God’s transformers.

It is hard not to notice the calculated management of the protest against the government – orderly organization of the demonstrations, propaganda materials and clear messages, control of gimmicks that will keep the protest in the headlines and the gradual worsening of the radicalization in actions. Week after week, the leaders of the protest were radicalized, every time the Israeli public opinion digested the new extremism, the protestors crossed the red line again.

The perpetrators of the destruction know very well that if at the beginning of the protest they had aimed their actions at destroying the economy and security, they would have lost support in their camp as well. Slowly, without arousing disgust, 12 weeks after the start of the protest and already after dissolving everything that was considered ‘sacred’ in the Israeli public, the perpetrators of the destruction are sharpening their final goal – violence between the citizens.

Since the failed action of President Yitzhak Herzog, in which he buried the last option for compromise and agreements, the leaders of anarchy have moved to the most alarming stage in their destructive plan – a fratricidal war. It started with the protests last week, when the mouthpieces of anarchy – the mainstream media in Israel – began to amplify every marginal and small violent incident to the top of the headlines, with the aim of creating an atmosphere where the citizens hurt each other.

The creation of fear and the feeling that “the right-wingers are hitting us, we must defend ourselves”, is used by the perpetrators of destruction in both directions, considering two birds with one stone – it awakens the extremists in the right-wing camp that the time for violent actions has come, and when they act violently, the “defense” swords of the left-wing demonstrators will be sharpened For fear of their lives, and God forbid.

After last week the protest leaders managed to “achieve” several violent events on the fringes of the protests, the strategists thought about how to produce the desired image: mass violence between citizens. A demonstration in Bnei Brak, the destructive plot, will lead to the expected violence.

But if until today everything was calculated, the strategists failed in their thinking mainly thanks to their anti-Semitic arrogance. For a moment, they got confused between reality and the stories of the ultra-Orthodox sector, who achieve everything with violence and behave like the extremist characters that the media portrays.

Their downfall was also in the choice of location. Bnei Brak is the right address for showing indifference towards types who are looking to vent their anger. The Bnei Brakim know how to contain whims that pass quickly in order to get the poison spirit out of the sails.

Blood, violence, Haredi out of balance. These are the pictures that the destruction makers on the left want to see. From these pictures they want to continue the destruction of the society that has dared for more than a decade not to give them a majority in the elections. But we will show restraint and compassion towards the leaders whose actions are working to destroy the social structure created here.

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