The Landarbaso Choir will bring the “highest level” program to Bali

by time news

2023-07-15 18:22:12

Saturday, July 15, 2023, 6:22 p.m.


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The Landarbaso choir will perform at the famous Asia Grand Prix competition in Bali (Indonesia) on July 25th. In the words of the director of the group, “it’s a big challenge”, because the choir will be playing against big groups from the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan and Malaysia, says Iñaki Tolaretxipi. If it were to win the first prize, it would be the first Basque choir in history to win an intercontinental Grand Prix, which would have a huge impact, both on the group’s reputation and on the spread of Basque music and culture.

Earlier this week, Goizane Álvarez, deputy for Culture, and Iñaki Tolaretxipi, director of the Landarbaso Choir, gave details about the famous Asian competition that will take place in Bali. As the deputy reminded, “Culture and music make a primary contribution to the international projection and image of Gipuzkoa”.

38 singers from the Landarbaso Choir will go to Bali, and the group has prepared a “high-level” program for this meeting, which includes various periods and musical styles. It includes some gems that are famous in our folklore, such as the song ‘Akerra Ikusi’ by Jesus Guridi, and other more modern works in Basque, such as ‘Ametsetan’ by the composer Javier Busto from Hondarribia. According to Tolaretxipi, one of the best bets for the first prize is undoubtedly ‘Atsalums’, a piece written by the young Latvian composer Jekabs Jancevskis, “truly admirable for the complexity of the musical composition and the vocal ability needed to sing it”.

4,000 singers

The final of the Asia Grand Prix will take place on July 25 at Bali’s Balai Budaya ‘Giri nata Mandala’. Together with the Landarbaso Choir, the Bosco Makati-Boscorale and Far Eastern University choirs from the Philippines, PSM Swara Wadhana from Indonesia will take part in the final; choirs, the so-called Tamkang Fluxingers from Taiwan and the Men’s Chorus from Malaysia.

A total of 4,000 singers from 14 countries will participate in the Indonesia Choir Festival and the Landarbaso Choir will compete in three categories: folklore, mixed choirs and religious music. In the latter, in fact, the choir will perform Lorenzo Donati’s ‘Sicut Cervus’ again, in four voices. With this work, he won the first prize in the International Choir Competition for Provo last year.

Before leaving Indonesia, they will perform the same repertoire on Sunday, July 16, in the concert they will perform at 20:00 at the Maddalen Basilica in Renenteria.

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#Landarbaso #Choir #bring #highest #level #program #Bali

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