The Landing Museum closes in Salerno: “We are without funds”

by time news

noon16 March 2022 – 11:53

The historian Oddati: “The structure could, however, move to another municipality”

Of Gabriele Bojano

Nicola Submit

After ten years of activity, the Landing Museum and Salerno Capital, which collected the individual and collective memory of the Second World War in the provincial territory, closes in Salerno. A decision taken reluctantly by the assembly of the members of the Parco della Memoria della Campania association chaired by the historian Nicola Oddati but defined as inevitable due to the serious economic crisis in which the museum institution had been struggling for some time. «The pandemic that still afflicts us – says Oddati – has not allowed schools to organize visits to the museum and this has greatly reduced our income. In recent years, over 50,000 students have visited our facility ».

No public funding

At the same time Oddati is keen to underline the fact that the museum “has always stood on its own feet, having never enjoyed any public funding, and having to remain open and among other things pay a fee to the body that owns the structure in which it is located. finds (the Campania Region, editor’s note), he no longer has the possibility to meet his commitments ». An even more mocking yield if you think that in recent weeks the cameras of important Rai productions have visited the Museum of the Landing and Salerno Capital to tell about the precious relics and finds it contains. The assembly unanimously thus established the closure provided that a transfer of the structure outside of Salerno does not take place. “There are some availabilities,” Oddati reveals without going into the merits.

16 March 2022 | 11:53

© Time.News

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