The language of music will lay the foundations for the first digital encyclopedia in Spanish

by time news

2023-12-05 10:45:35

This is “an unprecedented research” to bring together, organize and make available to humans and machines the existing knowledge about music and language, the University of La Rioja (UR) reported this Monday in a note.

This project, called LexiMus, is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Research Agency and the European Regional Development Fund.

It has the participation of 47 researchers from 26 international institutions, five of them European, and others from Chile, Costa Rica and the United States.

The project will lay the intellectual and technical foundations to create a large digital music encyclopedia, which will cover the gap in the integration of knowledge about music words in the Spanish language.

It will bring knowledge until now only available in English, French, Italian and German to the nearly 600 million Spanish speakers.

The research will advance the construction of a Spanish musical lexicon, through the definition and explanation of basic musical terms, as well as their particular use in Spanish.

It will also create a domain ontology for music, which will organize musical terms and make it possible to reconstruct the life and use of each word, through computer procedures for massive data processing and artificial intelligence.

The work of the University of La Rioja will be directed by Teresa Cascudo García-Villaraco, and will focus on historical music dictionaries published until now in Spanish, which have barely received attention in the academic field.

Research on available historical music dictionaries has followed traditional patterns, based on careful reading of each source and analysis of the publication context and method.

Thus, the UR will fill a double gap: on the one hand, that of studies on historical dictionaries and, on the other, that of the application of computer tools and digitalized information management in historical musicology.

Music Terms Library

To do this, a library of musical terms will be created and a relationship will be established between the entries included in the managed dictionaries.

The objective is to make this material available to the community interested in music through a web application designed for this purpose.

In parallel, it will contribute to the development of a digital conceptual model based on this lexicographic corpus and, together with the other teams that are part of the project, the foundations will be laid for the construction of an ontological framework of the corpus analyzed in the context of the semantic web.

The project includes collaboration agreements with the most relevant institutions for the study of Spanish.

In order to review the digital edition of its dictionary, the Royal Spanish Academy will receive specialized assistance from the Complutense Institute of Musical Sciences in the definition of musical terms.

The starting point is the 1600 voices that are already marked in the current edition with the abbreviation Mouse.which indicates the domain music.

Having authoritative definitions of this type is a precondition for the development of digital tools based on language and artificial intelligence.

LexiMus also includes agreements with the Global Spanish Observatory of the Cervantes Institute for the identification of massive sets of texts relevant to the semantic web, as well as with the International Spanish Language Research Center (San Millán de la Cogolla Foundation) and the Center International of Spanish (CIEUSAL).

It is directed by the Complutense Institute of Musical Sciences by professors Álvaro Torrente and José María Domínguez.

On the part of the UR, it has Professor Teresa Cascudo, and on the part of the University of Salamanca with Professor María Palacios.

#language #music #lay #foundations #digital #encyclopedia #Spanish

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