The Last Concert, Life and Times of the Fun Club

by time news

2023-04-20 14:14:18

finally premiered The last concert, an hourly documentary and little else that will be a real head feeder for those who have to be part of the juries at the festivals in which it is presented. In short, this work by the producer Wonderers is a clear story to understand how music has evolved over time taking as its starting point a mythical place that was located in the center of the Sevillian universe, the hercules mallwhose epicenter was the Fun Club (which is pronounced as it is written).

The idea came after the announcement that this famous concert hall was closing its doors, thus adding to a list of casualties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, a historic episode that caused many drops to fill many glasses in the area of ​​the what we talk. This bad news made Chema Ramos y Jorge Molina They will not let the moment pass. They got down to work, and met with the cream of the music of Seville and beyond. And it is that we are not talking about any place, and the documentary makes it very clear. Other moves from other sites became more famous, but this is another story…

So we were opening this April 18, 2023, in a place that could not be more ideal for this topic in question, the Alameda Theater. Few renowned Sevillian musicians stayed behind to watch the documentary. Also many local regulars were present, we know each other’s faces. Suddenly, one of the rockiest rockers here said “A bomb falls here and Seville is fixed”, and almost immediately the projection began.

The focus of the documentary is double as well as unique; he Fun Club seen as a thermometer of music and its time. In this thematic pendulum, those of us who live (and drank) in this room, very carried away by subjectivity, get a little lost when we are not told about it, but the wealth of opinions does not give rise to disinterest. Actually, what we wanted was what we wanted, to remember what it was like to live between those walls, live music and that of the DJs who had good and even better nights.

This brings us to the weak point of the documentary; We could hardly distinguish the mythical DJ at the end of the documentary Diego Marquez, who played at the venue probably from the beginning. graphic artist Ezekiel Barranco also present in the room, he was not present in the documentary either. Legendary bartenders, like the late Abdon they were also left out… Well, not quite; she appeared in one of the hundreds and hundreds of photos that were stuck to the walls. Perhaps the most inexplicable thing is the absence of the anecdotary of the Sevillian on foot, of those of us who were there, of the regular music-loving scoundrels. From here it is necessary to highlight and remember that the place did not know about musical genres or urban tribes. Moreover, it was the twinning point of the two sevilles, between them and/or with foreigners. the walls of the Fun Club They were decorated with posters of concertspictures of artists and photos of customers usual, a whole collage that was reflected in the track and the bars. From here came sporadic encounters, couples, marriages, friendships forever that would last for two beers, and whatever you can imagine.

have added something of the Hispanic intrahistory would have enriched the documentary, that is, the experiences of a music fan, both live and that of the hymns that were played from the cabin. But what can be expected in an hour and ten minutes if we also let ourselves be carried away by our Sevillian (group) individuality? Certainly, in Chema and Jorge’s film inkwell there had to be a lot of material already recorded, and it had to stay there, much to their dismay. A product like this has to have a very tight corset and it is understood, but it is also enjoyed.

The dynamic, fun and instructive filming makes use of graphic testimonies and interviews from the origin of the premises, from Pepe Benavides, reviewing the cast of rockers and non-rockers who came to perform on his stage or simply attended a performance. Among the interviewees, Dogo, Paco Loco, Charly Molina, Antonio Luque, Jose Manuel Casañ, Emilia Finzon, Antonio Arias of Lagartija Nick, Whom of The planets… A new batch is also reflected, the one that made the Fun Club and Seville, the epicenter of Rap in Spain; SFDK and the Chojín. Linked to the theme of music, topics such as the drug problem and the prevailing machismo in a first period are discussed, comparing those times with those of today.

A tremendous ending: Bird y Alvaro Suite to the guitars, to the bass Andy Jarman (Southern Arts Society), Support (All La Gloryfor example) to the battery, and Charly Molina they perform a song on the mythical stage and about the mythical stage. A particularly moving moment and theme seen in perspective, and which carries the full force of its title: Mi Rock and Roll es Fun Club. Then, an unforgivable but essential auction; the room in the process of being dismantled, causing an astonishment and sadness difficult to forget for everyone who lived through it. That the documentary ends with the lyrics “energy doesn’t disappear, it transforms” is of little or no consolation. We didn’t want it to disappear or to transform. Nor would it be worth the “renew or die” thing.

Well, there was this necessary portrait, which reflects that now that we had solved the serious crime problem that the hercules malland since we had almost forgotten about the albero, we were left without the Fun Cluband without short maltese, and we better stop counting. Now what is popular are the loops, the tamed places, the impersonal, the garish and changing brothel light, the colorful hookahs and the same pounding music in many places… and pizzas and things like that. We missed the thread of modernity, and thus, we will leave culturally disinherited a generation that seems to be intelligent, artificially, yes.

#Concert #Life #Times #Fun #Club

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