‘The Last of Us’ Devs and HBO Creators Talk Joel and Ellie’s World ‘The Last of Us Part I’

by time news
“The Last of Us” revolves around the story of Joel and Ellie, and this story keeps moving. From one location to the next, the pair saw how many parts of the United States had experienced outbreaks of Cordyceps infection, while reaching out to survivors and their temporary shelters everywhere — some squatting on vacant homes in big cities, others living in vacancies. New communities are established in the suburbs or even in the wild.

The world these survivors and players explore may be brutal, but in the struggle to survive, it still radiates beauty and brilliance. In the early adventure journey of “The Last of Us”, players will see the transformation of human life after the epidemic from two completely different examples in the Boston Quarantine and the small town of Bill. The confrontation between these two places shows that at a time when humans and nature are threatened, there are still sporadic lights of humanity struggling to bloom in this world. The Last of Us series, which recently aired on HBO, The Last of Us Part One remastered for the PlayStation 5 console, and its upcoming PC version on Steam and the Epic Games Store on March 28, all have These two locations serve as scenes. This article delves into why these two places are so important to Joel and Ellie’s journey, and how the HBO adaptation deals with how the two of them view the world around them.

cruel world

From a point of view, when playing “The Last of Us”, no matter where you advance in the adventure journey or what characters you encounter, the development team is committed to telling the story in a very specific way.

Neil Druckmann, co-president of Naughty Dog, said: “During the production process, we made this rule for ourselves: everything must be seen through Joel’s or Ellie’s point of view. That’s it, because we want players to spend time Follow them from one space to another in real-time synchronization, and become them.”

Such a perspective will affect the player’s contact and cognition of the world and characters of “The Last of Us”. Not only is the emotional stake conveyed in this way in The Last of Us’ memorable opening sequence, but it’s also when the player begins to encounter a post-pandemic environment through Joel’s time in Boston’s quarantine, a facility sponsored by FEDRA. Supervised, highly militarized communities where civilians simply seek refuge in a brutal world.

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“In The Last of Us, we tried to show the beauty of natural light, its tone and atmosphere, when nature took over human society again,” explains Naughty Dog art director Erick Pangilinan. “In presenting the exclusion zone, we removed all vegetation, all natural signs of life. You don’t see much trees or grass in the exclusion zone, it’s barren everywhere you look, everything is man-made, and you can see the misfortune that happened in the exclusion zone. “

Bryant Wilson, lead film animator, said: “Boston’s segregated area is full of oppression, and we want to use everything we can see from the outside to reflect that atmosphere. When you go out on the street, you will see people patrolling with guns, and there are fences everywhere. , to prevent people from leaving the area restricted by the government.”

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The Naughty Dog team (including the original “The Last of Us” and the remake of “The Last of Us” that came out in 2013) had to consider how to convey the tone and context of the Boston quarantine through the player’s first impression, so that They have an immediate sense of what the survivors face in life.

“The first street seen by the quarantine zone does a lot to interpret the world these people live in. They were forced to evacuate their homes and come here to be tested for infection. When the player reaches this stage, you can choose to stop It’s a deliberate design,” Wilson said. “That’s how it is in the real world.”

“Quarantines are about one group of people trying to control another group of people, and the way they try to control the world and nature,” Pangilinan explained. “A lot of the materials in the quarantine area are very solid and angular, and what we want to create is the tension that people live with every day under the control of this authoritarian agency.”

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The development team uses artistic techniques, each created animation and clips to realistically present the difficult reality faced by survivors under the control of FEDRA in the post-epidemic world, highlighting the tone of this part of the world.

“The lights in the area were gloomy and blue. We deliberately created a prison-like atmosphere…People in the quarantine area are very depressed, and we just want to outline their depression and despair,” Pangilinan explained. “You can see that feeling in the marketplace, and when designing this part, we tried to represent the harshness and lack of life in the area. You’ll see people selling rats and scrap metal because that’s all they have , and they can only eke out a living by bartering.”

The Boston Quarantine plays a major role in the lore of The Last of Us in terms of putting players into the state of the world in this new age. When conceiving how to retain the essence of the experience in the original work, while making further improvements to “The Last of Us”, the development team is committed to using more delicate techniques to truly interpret the world while avoiding adding meaningless details .

“There’s always one thing we always check out first, like the quarantine market: ‘What was the original intent of this scene?’ If you’re not careful, it becomes just filling the place with merchandise,” Pangilinan said. “But actually, the main purpose of that scene was to show how deprived life was in the ghetto and how desperate the people were. So it was important to show their food and what they were selling, and how they arranged everything, Be prepared to pack up and run if you get caught.”

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Retouching and improving the original details, rather than adding too many new details, helped guide the team to ensure that the remake adheres to the tone of the original story of “The Last of Us” and is true to its true emotion.

“If there’s room for improvement in any of the animations, we try to try, but we don’t want to add too much detail, mainly because we don’t want to spoil the feel of the original,” Wilson explained. “Every animation in that sequence was retouched, reworked and improved, even if some were done in more subtle ways.”

The Boston Quarantine was introduced when the HBO series “The Last of Us” premiered, and as executive producer Druckmann said, it provided an opportunity to show the world of “The Last of Us” from multiple perspectives.

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“Through TV series … we have the opportunity to step away from the main characters for a while and blend in with other characters,” he explained. “You’ll see Marlene talking to the new character, Jean, and we were able to add some detail to Marlene so that the audience can see how she responds to the situation as the leader of Firefly. The game just understates her, And now you have the opportunity to see what kind of hot potato this character is dealing with, and the pull she feels between the different layers of her role.”

“One of the things I love the most is being able to move away from imagining her life and her experiences,” explains Merle Dandridge, who plays Marlene both in the game and in the show. “Obviously we’ve had a lot of conversations, imagining and speculating about who she is and where she’s been. And the details that the audience will see about her will be fresh interpretations in some ways. , but remain true to who she is and where she came from.”

Even with familiar characters and places like Marlene and the Quarantine, the HBO series finds new footing and looks at the world of The Last of Us through a new lens. And nowhere is this more apparent than in another setting familiar to fans of the game.

“Dangerous” beautiful world

Compared with the sharp-edged buildings in the quarantine area, the city streets lacking in nature and the gloomy tones, the town of Bill in “The Last of Us” is like a clean stream, although there are still lurking in the trees. Danger. This abandoned Massachusetts town has basically become a complex maze built by Bill, with various traps and sirens set up inside to ensure his personal safety. Although this area is uninhabited, it is full of dangers of infected people.

But even with the beleaguered town, the town of Biel still gives players a chance to glimpse the bustling side of the world of “The Last of Us”-abandoned houses full of natural plants, bathed in beautiful sunlight.

“It’s in a world carefully planned and crafted by a man, and it allows the player to take a little breather and take a look at this beautiful area,” Wilson explained. “That’s what freedom looks like. It’s dangerous, but it’s also beautiful. Nature returns and takes over.”

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“The town of Bill is like an independent world. It has become a personal castle, his territory. He is in charge of all access, and nature is one of the members who can enter and exit freely. Therefore, we sprinkled in nature and The sunset glow on the buildings, hoping to create a warm environment for the town of Biel,” Pangilinan said. “The aesthetic presented here is in stark contrast to places you’ve been to before, such as those thrilling dark tunnels and sewers.”

But no matter what choices and decisions “The Last of Us” makes in terms of artistic pursuits, the world in which players live always reflects the core stories and characters in it.

“In the small town of Biel, he seems to follow nature, but he is actually building his own small isolation area. And we hope to create an ecological environment where nature and humans coexist in balance,” Pangilinan said. “But the town of Bill also represents Joel, reflecting his state of mind, his isolationism, his paranoid side of character. That’s why we built walls and many traps that will trigger traps to fight back, so that They can live in isolation.”

Of course, viewers who have watched the third episode of “The Last of Us” on HBO know that although the town of Bill is still portrayed as Bill’s private fortress, it is not the same as the experience of the game. Instead of looking at the place through the eyes of Joel and Ellie, the series goes back in time, allowing the audience to see Bill (played by Nick Offerman) and Frank (played by Murray Bartlett) from meeting and falling in love to living together. It changes the fan experience of this little corner of the world, but retains the characters and pathos of the original in a form better suited to this new medium.

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“The town of Bill is an intriguing place. It is a wonderful adventure in the game, but it is actually a beautiful encounter. You have just left the quarantine area where you are, and come to this place with a completely different environment. This is A small town in Massachusetts where you meet this eccentric guy who has a bad temper and is kind of fun, and you move on from the game.” Executive producer Craig Mazin explained the series’ shift in direction.

“The characters Bill and Frank have a philosophical debate that ends in the game and takes up much longer in the show—yes, you can survive, but for what purpose?” Druckmann said . “There are two philosophies presented here, Bill’s position is: ‘Survival itself is the purpose of existence.’ And Frank’s position is: ‘No, life is more than that.’ In the game, the two eventually parted ways, and Frank left alone. And in In discussions[with Craig and me]we agreed that it would be interesting for the show to turn it upside down.”

“I think there’s another way of thinking about it (with this passage in the game and the message it’s trying to convey), which is that Joel and Ellie love people in different ways,” Mazin explained. “We can make a good argument that we need both: extroverted love and protective love. Both can get you into trouble, and on the show we have the opportunity to expand on Bill and Frank’s storyline to tell a previously unseen story.”

The difference in the plot of “The Last of Us” allows game fans to gain a new experience in the series, and audiences who first know Bill and Frank from the series have the opportunity to experience them in this world in a different way through the game. dilemma. Our design intent was to represent these memorable characters, the meaning of their stories, and the impact these relationships had on their lives. Druckmann welcomes Mazin’s alternative approach to this segment, especially since the series is able to present the world more diversely through perspectives other than Joel and Ellie’s, without losing touch with their stories.
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“I passed the content to Neil with trepidation… I talked to him about the idea of ​​deviating from the original plot, but he thought it was very good! His reaction was beyond my expectation: ‘This is the story so far. My favorite part!’” shares Mazin. “It proves that…he gave me a lot of room to be creative and come up with new ideas.”

“The tragedy of the third episode culminates in a text message Bill leaves Joel, roughly saying, ‘Here’s your job, you have to protect Tess.’ That message comes too late for Joel, But this is where the turning point begins,” says Druckmann. “He thought to himself, ‘I’m not going to protect Tess, but maybe I’ll have a chance to protect this kid.’ That’s what Joel turns to at the end of the episode. The whole episode of Bill and Frank’s reflections goes back to In Joel and Ellie, it is beyond words, and we all received the major decision that Joel secretly made in his heart at the moment.”

It was important to Druckmann to adapt the Naughty Dog team’s story in a way that was best suited for this new medium. He also hopes that this new experience can bring a different play experience to viewers who have watched the “Last Survivor” album.

“There’s no core (gameplay) loop in the TV series, the audience just sits there and enjoys it. Because of that, we have to crank up the drama,” Druckmann explained. “That allowed us to really enrich the world and the characters in it in some ways, and I’ve heard from some people who have seen the series and then come back to play the game, it makes their gaming experience richer.”

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©2023 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.Created and developed by Naughty Dog LLC.The Last of Us is a registered trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC and related companies in the U.S. and other countries.

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