The Last of Us vs. Fungi 101

by time news

Prof. Apinpen Saraya Wasantiwong, M.D., Head of the Brain and Immune Diseases Laboratory Center for Emerging Diseases Health Sciences Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society

The fungal theory creates zombies from The Last of Us:

“I think in reality It’s going to be difficult.” Asst. Prof. Apinphen, M.D. introduced “Thairath Online News Special Team”

First point: Usually when the fungus damages the brain. Be it either animal or human. should cause abnormal brain function and has a very high chance of making “Host” died rather than being able to control the host’s body to move according to its raw instincts. And it has nothing to do with keeping the body from rotting like a zombie.

Second point: “Fungus” It is considered to be a lower class of organisms that are not very complex or, to put it simply, are somewhere between bacteria and plants. “Fungus” has no brain. that will cause the same feelings as human beings Therefore, it was almost impossible for it to take control or command. “Host” in order to do what you want

All the facts of “Fungus”

What is a fungus? :

Fungi (Fungus/Fungi) is an organism that is intermediate between plants and bacteria May be divided into 3 simple groups: 1. Spherical fungi called yeast 2. Mold in long string shape called Mold 3. Various mushrooms “Fungus” It is a living thing that has existed for a very long time on this planet. and likely occurred before human evolution

Fungal reproduction:

fungus Most reproduce by creation. “Spore” that are very small can spread to both soil, water, wind, sky and air if the spores fall into the right environment It will be able to grow and increase the amount within a short time.

However, this growth It also depends on the type of fungus. Because some species can grow well when the spores land on certain plants or trees. while some can grow when they enter the body and can cause disease in humans etc.

Differences between fungi and viruses:

“Fungicides are resistant to certain environmental conditions. And unlike viruses, they do not need to live in the host’s body all the time.

Entry into the human body of fungi :

It depends on the type of fungus. In most cases, if it is a type of fungi called “Mold” It tends to penetrate into the nose or sinuses. The spherical fungi are called “Yeast” which is smaller than that It usually enters the human body through the breath, into the lungs and into the blood stream. until reaching the various organs of the body or even “brain” can

X-ray image  Cryptococcus fungal infection by breathing fungal spores from bird droppings.  Thanks for the picture from Facebook: Doctor Manoon Leechawengwong FC
X-ray image Cryptococcus fungal infection by breathing fungal spores from bird droppings. Thanks for the picture from Facebook: Doctor Manoon Leechawengwong FC

Symptoms indicating when the fungus enters the brain :

In case of fungus causing symptoms “Meningitis” Patients often have headache, fever, nausea and vomiting. as a result of high pressure inside the head cavity or in another case If the fungus interferes with the flow of cerebrospinal fluid It will cause headaches, blurred vision, abnormal walking or balance. If the symptoms are very severe It can cause the patient to lose consciousness, seizures, and “died” can

X-ray image  Cryptococcus fungal infection from breathing fungal spores from bird droppings Photo courtesy of Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong FC's Facebook page.
X-ray image Cryptococcus fungal infection from breathing fungal spores from bird droppings Photo courtesy of Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong FC’s Facebook page.

The dangers of fungi when entering the human body :

“Fungus, when entering the human body, always causes disease. and there is very little chance of not causing disease.”

The most common is Infectious diseases of the skin and organs Especially in the nasal cavity or sinuses and lungs, while the case that is dangerous to human life is that the fungus enters the brain causing Meningitis (Meningitis) , The fungus may be embedded in the brain. and destruction until the brain tissue dies, etc., which can be fatal if not treated promptly

“In case of fungus entering the brain can be treated If a fungus that has invaded the brain is correctly diagnosed Because each type of fungi has a different response to each fungicide.”

Which fungi are most dangerous to humans:

fungi that often cause “Meningitis Symptoms” The most common are “Cryptococcus fungi Neoformans (Cryptococcus Neoformans)” which is found in “bird droppings” Especially pigeon droppings, it often affects patients with immunodeficiencies or people who take immunosuppressive drugs. which is considered the most vulnerable group for fungal infection The risky areas that are most likely to cause mold in the brain are humid areas where the temperature is suitable for the growth of fungi easily.

in Thailand According to the study of the Faculty of Tropical Medicine Mahidol University Estimated incidence of fungal meningitis It’s about 2 people per 100,000 people.

Human immunity against fungi :

“Human immunity is able to resist fungi. Especially people who are healthy and have received a small amount of fungi. There is very little chance of harm from fungal disease. But vice versa if Groups of people with immunodeficiency problems or have severe underlying diseases or poorly controlled underlying diseases can often cause disease.”

The evolution of fungi to be resistant to global warming :

“There is a possibility.”

since the past all living things It has evolved to adapt to a changing environment, whether bacteria, viruses or fungi have evolved all the time, only in the past. “Virus” Seems to be the easiest thing to notice. because it can divide very quickly For the case of fungi this evolution It’s unlikely to happen so quickly in just a matter of time. 10-20 yearscertain

Thai Rath online news team reported

Graphic Chonticha Pinijrob

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