The Last Part: Part I Review – Gamereactor – The Last of Us: Part I

by time news

“Ellie.” The scene and performance of Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson have been on my mind since The Last of Us launched in 2013. They showed how far the storytelling, acting, visuals and sound went back then, so it’s no surprise that this moment also made me understand why I needed this remake…even if Joel’s warning to Ellie applies to Naughty Dog and PlayStation about this new release.

Because unabashedly, at the time of writing, paying £69.99 for a nine-year-old PS3 game and you can get the remastered version on PS4 for £15.99 is an idea that has disappointed a lot of people. That’s understandable when multiplayer mode factions aren’t included, and remakes like Resident Evil 2 and Final Fantasy VII: Remastered have raised the bar for how much this type of product can change. That doesn’t stop me from saying The Last of Us Part 1 is well worth it.

Take the above scenario as an example. While it really touched me in the original and remake, the first part took it to a whole new level. Seeing every muscle in Joel’s face, seeing clearly how hard he was trying to contain his anger and sadness, he said those magical words, and Ellie told him, “Everyone I care about is either dead, Either leave me. Everyone… fuck, except you.” Her eyes started to sparkle and tears rolled down her cheeks, making me fall. Because of the more detailed faces and eyes, this moment, and every other moment, feels more real and impactful now, and I’ve even started seeing certain scenes differently because of a person’s body language and/or expressions. Considering I’ve played the story five times before this, it was a fascinating experience. Especially when the general atmosphere has also changed and improved.

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See how the lighting and colors in most areas have been greatly improved and adjusted. Whether it’s a slightly dark and drab quarantine, a more vivid forested area or a more terrifying underground tunnel. Those of you who’ve played The Last of Us: Part II know what I’m talking about here, and that’s before mentioning how the world feels more alive now. Better lighting can only take a little credit, as most areas are filled with more detail this time around. More vegetation really highlights how overgrown urban areas are, the formerly sterile rooms of Boston’s Old State Capitol now have paintings and antiques, and the interior areas are filled with objects that react when interacting with them. Some of you may need to look at the comparisons to notice some of these changes, while others should be obvious to everyone. Not just in terms of movie sequences and graphics.

For me, the gameplay is always the most important aspect, which is why I’m glad Part I made it even better as well. It turns out that one of the department’s biggest shortcomings is artificial intelligence. Watching Ellie run right past the enemy while you’re trying to stealth destroys all the immersion at the time, so I’m happy to say that she and the enemy have gotten smarter. AI is still not perfect because I’ve seen Ellie and others do weird things a few times, but it’s nothing compared to before. Making enemies work better together makes each battle sequence more exhilarating and forces you to stay on your feet, while those of us who prefer stealth can enjoy different reactions based on what the enemy sees and hears. Listening is also an important part for us.

Sound has been a big talking point for Sony’s generation, and the difference between The Last of Us and The Last of Us: Part One shows why. Of course, you can get some sense of where the sound is coming from in the original, but after noticing how little I used listening mode, I realized how good the remake is. Joel’s incredible X-ray-like hearing was a big part of the 2013 experience, so it’s funny how many times I forgot about it here. Who needs it when the sound in my headphones is so precise that I can easily look directly at the source as soon as I hear it? Hearing whether it’s coming from above or below is even a breeze, keeping you fully immersed instead of seeing colorless versions of the amazing world all the time. Of course, for different reasons, some people still find it helpful as it makes this amazing game easier to enjoy and experience. That’s also why Naughty Dog deserves credit for adding The Last of Us: Part II’s groundbreaking accessibility options along with a few others highlighted in the video below.

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That being said, we don’t get the perfect remake here. Naughty Dog’s engine still struggled to load everything when playing at 60 frames per second. As a result, those of us who prefer higher frame rates will see instances of small details popping out during fast turns. This is even rarer when playing at 4K and 30 fps, but both graphics modes are still so impressive that I’m just being picky.

Being picky was also I missed Ellie’s agility. The inability to dive and prone feels limited after playing the second part, but it also makes sense given Joel’s age and not changing the environment to better take advantage of such an option. So some people called the PlayStation lazy and the first part a cash grab, and I’m just pretty happy with what we got.

That’s because The Last of Us: Part One just put a prettier, better version into what was already a masterpiece. The stunning story and its characters are taken to another level thanks to more detailed facial expressions and added animations, while smarter companions and enemies and the ability to explore enhanced 4K and 30 fps or 60 fps dynamic resolution The environment also makes the gameplay better. On top of that, with great 3D sound, new fantastic accessibility options, some cool bonus material, and good use of the DualSense feature, it’s clear that The Last of Us: Part I is the one for those of us who loved the original A must for people.

However, those who question the need for the remake and the disappointingly high price tag may drop my score by a point or two, as these important visual and auditory upgrades and some minor gameplay tweaks haven’t given us the most recent A good remake pays so much. PlayStation is clearly stepping on some mighty thin ice here, but those of us who love the idea of ​​a final version of this masterpiece should definitely walk on it.

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