The last Pashikakan – the treachery of Karabakh Armenians, the apostasy of the “lords”. – 2024-04-12 11:32:41

by times news cr

2024-04-12 11:32:41

Author: Elchin Alioglu

Source: Trend

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has changed the country’s agenda with his speeches and statements in recent days, and caused confusion among the majority of Armenians. It’s not a joke: Pashinyan rejects the points that have been repeated for centuries and are considered “undeniable truths” and call them fiction.

In his speech at the Armenian parliament, he said that the objects that were hammered into the mind of the average Armenian from childhood like a horseshoe nail and hit with a mallet are no longer half-baked, even naughty.

In the last decades, to be more precise, since the first days of the wave of separatism and terrorism of Karabakh Armenians, Nikol Pashinyan said that the “truths” that Armenians have not really doubted are false objects, ephemeral moments and fantasy.

Of course, the prime minister of Armenia, sticking to his role, says these words only out of his own interests, his desire to protect and further strengthen his power.

If we accept N. Pashinyan’s words as his true position, we would be naive: because the mentioned person is a pathological liar and is capable of saying any word and doing any action imaginable to secure his interests.

However, his recent statements serve to change the balance of power in the internal politics and public life of Armenia, as well as in the Armenian communities in foreign countries, and bring new narratives to the agenda.

Nikol Pashinyan wants to show that he has decided to revise the dogmatic ideas that have dominated the Armenian society since the first day when Armenia received state independence as a “gift”. He does not intend to lead the society in Armenia to a normal life, to improve the national ideology and politics.

The goal is to fulfill the conditions of the United States, France and the European Union, to mitigate the consequences of the inevitable countermeasures of Russia and Iran in exchange for Yerevan’s Western-oriented policy, and then to ensure security through the Washington-Paris-Brussels trio.

The issue is not only related to the state or national security of Armenia, but primarily to the desire to prevent threats to the power of N. Pashinyan.

In his speech at the Armenian Parliament, Nikol Pashinyan unwittingly exposed the lies that Yerevan has been spreading for decades.

So let’s take a look at some of the highlights from his speech.

1. “They reminded us that our pre-election program included a strategic partnership with Russia and the deepening of relations with the CSTO. Yes, they are right, there was. But what if the CSTO does not want to help us? What should we do if the agreement does not work? Do you know what is stipulated in the CSTO agreement? it was held that if we had an order, the air defense system combined with Russia should have been activated in the country. But at the right moment, after our order, the air defense system was not activated. And there are many such incidents.”

Nikol Pashinyan admitted that it was Armenia’s intention to use the CIS Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) against Azerbaijan during the Second Karabakh War and to involve Russia in military operations. Considering that ballistic missiles were launched from Armenia to Azerbaijani cities and Azerbaijan’s retaliatory strikes would be devastating, Russia’s intervention in the processes was the main wish of the Armenians. It was not accepted, because Moscow saw the danger of this plan and did not fall into the trap of the Armenians.

2. “They tell us that our government has left Nagorno-Karabakh alone. As the proverb says, is there no salt in our bread? In 2020-2023, the Armenian government gave 538 billion drams or 1.3 billion dollars to Nagorno-Karabakh. We “left” them like that. ?! Today there are specialists from Nagorno-Karabakh whom we invite to work, but they tell us that our salaries are low and it is impossible to work for this salary. Salaries and pensions in Nagorno-Karabakh were higher than in Armenia, and this was due to “those who left Nagorno-Karabakh alone” .

Let’s never forget these words. According to the Armenians, their country “faced severe problems and was poor”. The impoverished country gives $1.3 billion to the separatists, and then asks the West for financial aid and economic support.

This is the reason for the dissatisfaction and anger of the official Baku regarding the position of the USA, France and the European Union. Any (!) aid from the West to Yerevan creates financial opportunities in the state budget of Armenia, Armenians use this money against Azerbaijan, to mine our territories and kill our citizens.

3. “If there was a desire to implement the concept of “separation for the sake of salvation”, even if the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh want to live there (within Azerbaijan, – ed.), they cannot do it. But according to the concept, the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh do not want to live there. They are with the representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh. I have spoken to them many times, and I must admit that most of them not only understood what I said, but even agreed that what I said is the only short way. If we can prove that the concept is not separatism as others say, and that Karabakh Armenians want to live, but cannot, then discussions can begin. Then those people they called them traitors, dismissed them, gathered and said, “You can no longer manage Karabakh, let’s see what we will do”. Because they were called from the place that said “Come on, start!” that there is an option to meet in Sofia and then in another place. They agreed, but then they called and said “it won’t be accepted, they told us we don’t need to go”.

When Nikol Pashinyan says “representatives of Karabakh Armenians”, he means his team with Araik Arutyunyan, the former head of the former junta in Khankendi. According to Pashinyan, “those who receive orders from outside” are billionaire Ruben Vardanyan, who was sent to Khankadin on a special mission.

It was as a result of Vardanyan’s “remotely controlled” activity in Khankend that A. Arutyanyan was forced to “voluntarily resign”. R. Vardanyan used all means to hold a meeting in Yevlakh between representatives of Armenians from Karabakh and official Baku, and in the end “threatened” the leadership of Azerbaijan with terror.

3. “Our problem is that we achieved a ceasefire in 1994. But the world has changed since then. The world changed in 1995, 1998 and later. But we have not changed. The world has moved into the 21st century, and we We stayed in 1994. In every way.”

With these words, Nikol Pashinyan talks about the set of diseases that the Armenian society has been carrying in its body and mind for decades. Revanchism, territorial claims against Azerbaijan and Turkey, this process being considered “normal” in the years when 20 percent of Azerbaijan’s territories were under occupation, racism, Turkophobia and Islamophobia, along with all of this, the constant search for “friends” constituted the principles of existence of Armenians and still do.

4. “We are constantly told about the processes taking place within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group. They criticize us for that. But no one pays attention to the fact that the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group have not only been in conflict with each other since 2014, but even in 2022 They have been at war with each other since 2000. Have you noticed this? My lord, am I telling you new news?!”

It is a fact that the OSCE Minsk Group has already entered history. Nikol Pashinyan, however, does not provide information about the structure that has turned into a historical atavism with such a melodramatic statement – he expresses the hope that the Minsk Group will be reincarnated and restored someday. The Prime Minister of Armenia is lying as usual: the Minsk Group, co-chaired by the USA, France and Russia, opposed the interests of Azerbaijan from the very first day of its creation, and saw Azerbaijan, which occupied 20 percent of its territory, with the occupying Armenia in the “same status” for a while, and then for years in an obvious pro-Armenian position standing. Nikol Pashinyan’s complaint about the OSCE Minsk Group is a paradox.

5. “No one can love historical Armenia more than me. But as the prime minister, I refuse to love historical Armenia more than the Republic of Armenia. I generally refuse to love anything other than real Armenia. Even today, I say that we are from the kingdom of Cilicia, the Armenian plain, Van This is not the point. The essence of our conversation is this: should we look at today’s world from the Van kingdom or from present-day Armenia?! This is our conceptual debate. We are asked an important question: how can it be that somewhere there is a 7th century church, and the border with Azerbaijan is a how many meters should it start? This is a very important question, because how can a church from the 7th century be next to the border with Turkey. Because, for example, our border with Turkey begins shortly after the Khor Virap church, which is the symbol of the beginning of our Christianity. And the strategic choice is precisely is this – when we say that there is no Turkey far from Khor Virap, we are choosing historical Armenia, and when we say that Turkey is there, we are choosing the real Armenia?”

This statement of Nikol Pashinyan can be considered as an analogy of the leader from the Sioux or Apache Indian tribe reminding the ordinary members of the history, and then trying to achieve his goal by manipulating that fake history.

But N. Pashinyan is not the last Mogigan. Although he aspires to be “Pashikakan”, it is not easy for a society whose ideology and politics are based on fraud, lies, hypocrisy and hatred to find a new lie in a short time.

Although the task came from the West…

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