The late Rabbi Chaim Yisrael David of Shikun HaRabbanim died at the age of 65

by time news

The late Rabbi Chaim Yisrael David, a member of the Mir Yeshiva and a resident of Shikun HaRabbanim in Jerusalem, died at the age of 65.

Blessed be the truth: The late Rabbi Chaim Yisrael David, a resident of Shikun HaRabbanim in Jerusalem and a student of Yeshivat Mir, passed away today (Saturday) at the age of 65.

The late was born in Romania on Elul 5767, to his father Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak David.

When he came to his senses, he married his wife, Mrs. Tzipa, the daughter of the late Rabbi Aharon Rabinowitz, a Chabad follower who came from Communist Russia.

Although he was a scholar in severe agony he continued to diligently study his Talmud at the Mir Yeshiva,

His brother-in-law is the journalist Benny Rabinowitz from Yated Ne’eman.

The funeral procession tonight (Holy Saturday evening, Parashat Vayicha) at 11:00 PM, from his home at 9 Torah Mitzion Street in Shikun HaRabanim in Jerusalem, to the Mount of Olives – where Whitman lives.

The deceased left no lasting seed.

Please study Mishnayot for the ascension of the soul of Rabbi Chaim Israel son of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak.

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