The late Rabbi Yitzhak Raphael Yosefov has passed away

by time news

Baruch Dayan is the truth: the Bnei Torah in the city of Or Yehuda were enveloped in grief and gloomy grief when he accompanied to eternal rest the important young man, the rabbi of verbs, a lover of men, the late Rabbi Yitzchak Raphael Yosefov, one of the most important Bnei Torah in the city, who refined his soul in severe and bitter torment, received them in silence and returned his soul to his creator and he was only 27 years old at the time of his death.

The deceased was born on the first month of Adar 5555, to his father, Rabbi Ya’akov Yosefov, from the families of the Bnei HaTorah in the city of Or Yehuda, and his mother Martha Naomi, who works a lot to establish the walls of purity in the city.

From his childhood, he studied and was educated in Talmud Torah in the city, where he rose and excelled and stood out in his ambitions to study his Talmud to grow up to be a scholar, and to please his parents.

His educators tell of a noble-minded boy who devoted himself to Torah study, pleasant in his ways, with good manners and a way of life who brightened the face of all his friends. He longed to understand and know every issue in the Gemara in his ignorance, to memorize Mishnayot by heart, and the love of the Torah was deeply rooted in his heart, and he always had to help his friends out of the kindness of his heart. His friends say that he always had a smile on his face when he entered and left the Talmud Torah.

In his short years, he sat on the Shabbat Tachchmoni and studied his Talmud with great devotion and labored for the Torah at all hours of the day in the Beit Midrash, despite the fact that suffering and torment were his lot. He killed himself in a Torah tent most of the day, and even during the difficult and exhausting treatments in hospitals, he did not stop pumia magrasa.

All of his friends who studied under him testified to his devotion and his immense diligence in the Torah, the terrifying study that he had in him, and he memorized every issue in depth and labored over it persistently until it was a stream for him and the comrades who studied with him.

His whole life was full of life and joy, happiness and spiritual satisfaction that came as a result of filling his short days with Torah every moment. Even when he was lying on his deathbed, he overcame his pains, smiled and said ‘All Man David is Merciful to Tab Abid’.

The best years of his life were in the division of D. Amot of Halacha, his yeshiva friends who established a fellowship with him, were amazed by his knowledge of all the Torah’s principles and this because of the Torah’s labor that was in him. His eternal character was his diligence and dedication to the Torah. And the whole thing is Ritcha Dauriita, studying and memorizing the issue with pleasure, whether it is in the Gemara or the Halacha and he also loved to study the Torah of Hasidism in all of its branches, and all his desire was to do the will of his creator.

The deceased was a faithful servant to his Creator, meticulous in light and severe mitzvot to fulfill them at his age and with reverence, out of joy of mitzvah, nobility and a constant smile that never left his face. Blessings and thanksgiving to the Creator of the world that some of the residents of the Beit Midrash, despite their suffering and pain, all humbly walked with their God.

One of the noble virtues that stood out in him was his generosity, which he reciprocated with his body and his money. He pursued with all his might after charity and kindness, and all the money he had he would transfer to charity for the disciples of the sages.

When he heard about a needy Jew who was in need, he would give up his personal needs and run to help him with all his might. He brightened the face of every Jew with kindness and pleasantness, and longed to be good to his brother to the best of his ability and even beyond that. A clean and righteous soul who made all his followers happy and helped every Jew wherever he was.

The deceased was head and first for everything in holiness. When he heard about the establishment of a Torah lesson, a Torah lesson or a revival conference or welcoming his rabbi, he ran with all his might to arrange the benches of the Beit Midrash, and he was imbued with motivation and purpose to increase the Torah and make it great, and to inject a beam of light into the homes of Israel.

Every time that Mayor Shlomo Zalman Sionov held a Torah activity in the days between the times for the Torah children, he would come to his aid, and ask to help with all his might for the strengthening of the Habarach and the Torah children in the city.

Part of his work for the sake of the many, he made sure to spread the Holy Scriptures among Torah seekers, and he would amuse them with paraphrases and Torah innovations. He was gifted with sweet lips, and grace was poured on his lips, and he would take advantage of this to go to homes of mourners and distant Jews in order to bring them closer to the Torah and mitzvah, and he would beat them with morals and reverence while teaching about himself that despite his terrible suffering he came out to bring hearts to our Father in heaven.

At the height of his prosperity in the days of his election, he suddenly fell ill with a serious illness, he suffered bitter agonies that were his lot, but he accepted them with love and silence, he overcame his pains and hid his great suffering from his family members in order not to cause them great sorrow.

From his sick bed, he worshiped his Creator with endless devotion, to use every moment for more Torah study, more memorization of a Mishna or Halacha, and a hymn of thanks to the one who sits on high where he shared every moment between life.

In his last hours, he still had time to confess on his bed when a serious look appeared on his face while asking for forgiveness and forgiveness from his family members for having to trouble them during the days of his suffering. on the Mount of Repose in Jerusalem.

He left behind his parents, brothers and sisters and a large family broken and shattered by the death that appeared in their window.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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