The latest discovery by James Webb that has scientists baffled

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New discovery from the James Webb Space Telescope could turn our understanding of the Universe upside down.

There is no doubt that we live in exciting times, and now thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) we are learning more about the Cosmos every day. Now we have an exciting discovery that could completely change our understanding of galaxies in the early universe. Webb detected a group of galaxies so old that they cannot be explained by science.

An international team using data from the James Webb Space Telescope has discovered something that seems impossible: a group of galaxies that appear to have formed between 500 and 700 million years after the Big Bang, but are so massive that they should not exist, i.e. , there was no time for them to evolve to such a degree. This doesn’t fit the cosmological models, it just couldn’t be, it’s utter madness!

In the research, led by a researcher at Swinburne University of Technology, they explain massive candidate galaxies over 12 billion years old, estimated to have a mass of 100 billion times the mass of the Sun. The point is that it is too big. enough to exist at that time, it does not fit with current cosmological models.

“We have never observed galaxies of this colossal size, so soon after the Big Bang,” lead researcher Associate Professor Ivo Labbé, from Swinburne University of Technology, said in a statement.

Scientists are stumped by the results, and are looking for errors in the study, but if the mass of the galaxies in question were to be confirmed, it would mean that we are actually at a loss as to the formation of the first galaxies and evolution of the planet. universe in general. In other words, this research could turn cosmological models upside down and force a drastic rethink of how the first galaxies formed after the Big Bang.

James Webb has just made a discovery that seems impossible and cannot be explained by science. (Image: NASA, ESA, CSA, I. Labbe/Swinburne University of Technology.)

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James Webb has just made a discovery that seems impossible and cannot be explained by science. This image shows the 6 newly discovered candidate galaxies. (Image: NASA, ESA, CSA, I. Labbe/Swinburne University of Technology.)

“The six galaxies we have found are over 12 billion years old, just 500 to 700 million years after the Big Bang, and reach sizes up to 100 billion times the mass of our Sun. This is too big to exist. in current models”, explains Labbé. “This discovery could transform our understanding of how the first galaxies in our Universe formed.”

For now, astronomers are making follow-up measurements to confirm the galaxies and rule out alternative explanations. This means that it is still too early to assume that current cosmological models have broken or are wrong, there is a possibility that massive objects never seen before are involved. Either way, this discovery is complete insanity!

“An equally fascinating alternative is that some of the objects belong to a new class of emerging supermassive black holes, never seen before,” says Professor Labbé.

The telescope was expected to catch a glimpse of the formation of the first galaxies, and the observations have completely exceeded expectations. The telescope has been exploring the universe for just over half a year, and this discovery may be the first step in changing the way we understand our surroundings.

This study is the result of a careful analysis of the first images taken by JWST in July of last year. If this is what Webb gets with a few glances, he envisions what’s to come in the rest of the decade.

Via: Ensedeciencia

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