The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the “Arab Palestinian Christians who are citizens of the State of Israel”

by time news

2023-11-09 02:13:12

In 2014, the Catholic Patriarchate emphasized that Israeli Christians are, in fact, also Palestinians. This distinction may seem more political in nature than anything else to a Westerner, but it seems to reflect an act of solidarity and diplomacy towards Muslim Palestinians rather than strictly political reasoning.

However, this question raises an interesting dilemma: if Palestinians live in a context that some consider to be an apartheid regime, then why should Palestinian Christians prefer to be considered politically Palestinian?

It is important to note that this automatic recognition would mean they would be required to serve in the Israeli army, but the opposite could also happen, i.e. they could serve in a possible future Palestinian state.

This complexity raises questions about the political position of Christians in a situation where the Church supports the existence of two sovereign states. Who do Christians belong to politically in a situation of this kind of always latent conflict?

But here is the text in the explanation of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem:

HOLY LAND – March 2014. The Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries approved a document published by the Justice and Peace Commission on the Knesset bill which is preparing to introduce a distinction between Palestinian Christians and Muslims, stating that Christian Palestinians are Christians and not Palestinians. One of the consequences of this campaign will be the enlistment of Palestinian Christians in the Israeli army.

Israeli politicians increasingly insist that Christian Palestinians are not Arabs and are not part of the Palestinian people. This has been expressed in the campaign to conscript Palestinian Christians into the Israeli army and more recently in a law proposed by Knesset member Yariv Levin, which introduces a distinction between Christian Palestinians and Muslims and states that Christian Palestinians are Christians and not Palestinians.

We, the leaders of the Catholic Church in Israel, would like to make it clear that it is neither the right nor the duty of the Israeli civil authorities to tell us who we are. In fact, most of our believers in Israel are Palestinian Arabs. Obviously they are Christians too. They are also citizens of the State of Israel. We see no contradiction in this definition of identity: Christian Palestinian Arabs who are citizens of the State of Israel.

We address our words to all Palestinian Christians, both in Israel and Palestine and wherever they are in the world. They are all, wherever they are, Palestinians, Christians and citizens.

Indeed, there are some Christians in Israel, a small fringe minority, who support this campaign to redefine our identity. Whether they do it out of self-interest, fear or a dream of full equality, we cannot say. However, we must underline that they cannot claim to be the spokesmen of Palestinian Christians in Israel.

The people of this land, Jews, Christians, Muslims and Druze, have lived here for centuries and have known successive governments. Christians, Muslims and Druze together (and even some Jews who have always lived in the land) insist that their shared common identity, which has developed over centuries, is Palestinian.

This campaign is clearly aimed at dividing Christians from their Muslim compatriots. However, it is equally dangerous because it will divide Christians even more among themselves.

If the Knesset truly seeks the good of the citizens of Israel, it should invest every effort in legislating laws that eliminate discrimination, whether against Jews or Arabs, Christians, Muslims or Druze. In creating a society that unites all citizens in equality and is committed to justice and peace, there will no longer be any reason to fear for anyone and Israelis and Palestinians, Christians, Muslims and Druze will be able to live together in mutual respect and dignity , working together to build a better future.

Justice and Peace Commission and Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land

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