The leader of the Renaissance deputies asks the elected representatives of his group not to speak to the “JDD” until further notice

by time news

2023-08-11 13:35:16

As long as the editorial line of the Sunday newspaper (JDD) also remains “disturbing” than that of the first issue under the aegis of the new management, the Renaissance deputies are instructed to “do not participate in articles” from the weekly. This request comes directly from the president of the group in the National Assembly, Sylvain Maillard, and was issued Thursday, August 10 in the discussion loop of Macronist deputies, according to The Parisian.

“Of course, I will comply”reacted Friday the deputy of Eure-et-Loir Guillaume Kasbarian (Renaissance) on Franceinfo. “I completely agree with what Sylvain Maillard said in our discussions. (…) It is an instruction of prudence and respect for journalists who have been on strike for weeks. »

Read also: Article reserved for our “Journal du dimanche” subscribers: a first edition of the Lejeune era in the form of a manifesto

The weekly new formula returned to newsstands on Sunday, after a historic forty-day strike by its editorial staff, firmly opposed to the arrival of Geoffroy Lejeune at its head, fearing a righting of the title. The publication of the first issue under the direction of Mr. Lejeune was marred by several controversies, in particular that concerning the interview granted to the JDD the Secretary of State for the City, Sabrina Agresti-Roubache. “We can talk about everything, but not with anyone”reacted on Monday the Minister Delegate for Transport, Clément Beaune, after the interview with his colleague.

“Conscious choice”

« Everyone makes their choices consciously. (…) I am thinking first of all of the journalists of the JDDto readers, who have sometimes lost their JDD : its historical line, its values, its DNA, that’s what I regret”had noted on RMC, the minister, figure of the left wing of the government.

Read also: Interview with Sabrina Agresti-Roubache at the “JDD”: Clément Beaune distances himself

Several left-wing leaders deplored the Secretary of State’s approach, accusing Macronie of“accelerating the trivialization” you journal. “Matignon was not notified before this interview”had then assured Agence France-Presse a source within the executive, recalling that “members of the government normally warn before expressing themselves in the media”.

Charlie Hebdo denounced on Wednesday the “cynicism” of Sabrina Agresti-Roubache who, to justify her interview with JDD new formula, declared itself “Cabu’s daughter”cartoonist killed in the jihadist attack on the newspaper in 2015. “Cynicism, amateurism and political lack of culture do not excuse everything”lambasted Gérard Biard, editor-in-chief of Charlie Hebdoin a brief editorial entitled “adjustment” published Tuesday on X (ex-Twitter).

The new editorial staff is also suspected of having confused two miscellaneous facts on his photo of “one”, which Lagardère News, owner of the newspaper, disputed. The boss of Radio France, Sibyle Veil, also denounced Monday on X (ex-Twitter) the publication of false information about her.

Deserted by the outgoing striking journalists, the editorial staff of the JDD Sunday was made up of “volunteers”, close to Mr. Lejeune or employees of Lagardère, such as Pascal Praud (journalist for Europe 1 and CNews) or Eric Naulleau (ex-debating companion of Eric Zemmour, candidate supported by Mr. Lejeune in the presidential election of 2022).

Read the editorial of “Le Monde”: Geoffroy Lejeune at the head of the “JDD”: an opinion press cannot free itself from all principles

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#leader #Renaissance #deputies #asks #elected #representatives #group #speak #JDD #notice

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