The left of the 21st century | Opinion

by time news

From Rio de Janeiro

Today we fight in Brazil on two levels. In the first of them, for the defeat of Jair Bolsonaro, in a democratic struggle to which all those who today are against Bolsonaro belong, regardless of their positions in the past, or the degree of responsibility they had for Bolsonaro’s arrival to the government.


You don’t have to establish any kind of formal agreement, just walk separately and hit Bolsonaro together. Any position that makes others depend on the past, that excludes – including the use of the physical gallows – those of the PSDB (Social Democrats), for example, is a sectarian position. This does not relieve them of their responsibilities in the blow against Dilma Rousseff, in the exclusion of Lula da Silva of the 2018 elections, in the election of Bolsonaro.


But it takes all those who are against Bolsonaro to defeat him and all those who are still with him, including part of the business community and the military. It is not an easy fight, you have to isolate them and build a very broad front that expresses the desire and interests of the vast majority of Brazilians.

They are fighting against an authoritarian regime, armed with a military armor, that needs to be defeated, in order for full democracy to be installed in Brazil. The military withdrew from the foreground of the political scene when the dictatorship they had installed was exhausted, but they did not suffer an overt political defeat. This happened in Argentina, after the military attempt to use the Malvinas to regain prestige. It happened in Chile, when Pinochet was defeated in the 1988 referendum, when he wanted to be able to run again. It happened in Uruguay, when two consultations by the military dictatorship to privatize public companies were defeated. So far it has not happened in Brazil.


The rescue of democracy is the first plan of struggle. Defeat Bolsonaro, through impeachment or in elections. The takeover of a democratic government in Brazil is a condition for the second plane of the struggle.

This is the defeat and overcoming of the neoliberal model. In the current historical stage, capitalism adhered to this model, from the exhaustion of the previous model, developmentalist or whatever we want to call it, in force from the end of World War II until around the late 1970s and early 1970s. 1980.

It is a deeply regressive model, concentrating income, promoting social inequalities, a model whose conception is that society as a whole must be commercialized, according to the view that everything has a price, everything is sold, everything is bought. It is the undisputed kingdom of money, monetary wealth, it is the absolute domain of private banks, finance capital and financial speculation.


That is why the left of the 21st century is frontally anti-neoliberal. Fight for the defeat of this worldview and its politics of centrality of fiscal adjustment instead of the priority of social policies. Due to the defeat of the weakening of State policies, with the privatization of public assets, with the cutting of resources for social policies and the cutting of public servants.

The fight against neoliberalism is the way today to fight against capitalism, in its current historical stage, centrally neoliberal. This is the fundamental struggle that it has today, to defeat the neoliberal model, the axis of all the setbacks that have been suffered in the 1990s and have suffered again in the last five years, a fundamental reason for the coup against Dilma. and the arrest of Lula. The right elected Bolsonaro because he had the largest number of votes in the polls, to mount the operation that led him to the presidency, to preserve the neoliberal model, reimplanted by the Temer government and radicalized with the policies of Paulo Guedes.

The two fights

Brazil will only be able to resume the path chosen by the majority of Brazilians in four consecutive democratic elections, with the rescue of democracy, with the election of the president of Brazil again by the free vote of all Brazilians. So that, from democracy, the neoliberal model can be replaced by another, centered on productive investments, income distribution policies and the generation of formal jobs, to reduce social inequalities in the most unequal country on the most unequal continent in the world.

The tactic is the fight against Bolsonaro, the strategic fight is against the neoliberal model.


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