The Left Party Faces Internal Conflict over Condemnation of Hamas: Nooshi Dadgostar’s Leadership

by time news

Title: Internal Conflicts Shake Sweden’s Left Party over Condemnation of Hamas

Published: 2023-10-24 11.51

The Left Party is shaken by internal conflicts after party leader Nooshi Dadgostar’s condemnation of Hamas. A local politician risks exclusion, and talks are held with the Member of Parliament Daniel Riazat.

When Hamas launched attacks in Israel, the Left Party’s leader, Nooshi Dadgostar, was quick to condemn the militant group. However, this condemnation faced resistance internally, with several leftists in the party distancing themselves from Dadgostar’s statement and even protesting against it.

Björn Alling, a leftist politician from Linköping, now faces an exclusion case due to his divergence from the party leader’s stance on Hamas. Dadgostar made her opinion on Alling’s future in the party clear, stating that someone expressing similar views to Alling’s cannot be allowed to participate.

The matter of Alling’s exclusion has been raised only once in the party board, according to Dadgostar. She emphasized the importance of collecting information and speaking with those involved, particularly when discussing possible war crimes that target civilians.

“There are feelings around those are the questions”

An appeal has been launched to dissuade the party leadership from excluding Björn Alling. Dadgostar acknowledges that she has seen the appeal; however, she believes that the focus should be on the exclusion issue rather than whether or not Hamas attacks should be condemned.

Despite the dissenting statements from leftists within the party, Dadgostar insists that the party is not divided on the issue. However, she does recognize that there are emotions surrounding the matter and that is why the party has been uncompromisingly clear in its condemnation of Hamas attacks.

A conversation is held with a Member of Parliament

Party spokesperson on school policy, Member of Parliament Daniel Riazat, initially distanced himself from Hamas in a Facebook post. However, he later commented that he did not actually oppose Dadgostar’s condemnation of the group.

Nevertheless, talks are being conducted with Riazat to address any misconceptions. Dadgostar stated that Riazat expressed his disgust towards Hamas and exhibited confidence in her and others. The purpose of the conversation is to ensure clarity on the matter.

Internal conflicts within political parties are not uncommon, particularly when it comes to sensitive and polarizing issues like international conflicts. The Left Party will need to address these internal divisions effectively to maintain unity and a coherent message to the public.

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