The Legacy and Views of Bernie Marcus: An Interview with Charles Gasparino

by time news

Title: Bernie Marcus: Home Depot Co-Founder and Conservative Activist Shares Concerns about America’s Future

By Charles Gasparino

Published Nov. 4, 2023, 9:29 p.m. ET

Boca Raton, FL – Bernie Marcus, the legendary entrepreneur and co-founder of Home Depot, recently sat down for an interview at his home in Boca Raton, Florida. Known for his outspoken and conservative views, Marcus didn’t hold back as he expressed his concerns about the direction of the country.

Born and raised in a fourth-floor tenement apartment in Newark, NJ, Marcus recalled his humble beginnings, saying, “We were poorer than you could imagine. And my ambition in those days was to make $25,000 a year and take care of my family.” Little did he know that he would go on to create a multi-billion dollar company and become a billionaire himself.

As one of the founders of Home Depot, Marcus not only built a successful business with nearly half a million employees, but he has also been a generous philanthropist, donating millions to charities and supporting politicians who share his conservative values. Even in retirement since 2002, Marcus has continued to fight for free-market principles through his advocacy group, the Job Creators Network.

During the interview, Marcus expressed his frustration with the current state of the country. At 94 years old, he emphasized the urgency in fighting against what he perceives as a looming progressive apocalypse. He blamed President Biden for exacerbating America’s problems, calling him a “dunce” and the “most divisive president we’ve ever seen.” Marcus pointed to Biden’s lack of mental acuity, uncontrolled spending, and policy errors that have led to inflation and overwhelming federal debt.

While Marcus acknowledged that former President Donald Trump had his flaws, he noted that Trump’s presidency saw positive economic indicators such as wage growth and increased minority employment. However, Marcus criticized Trump for his inability to contain himself and keep his controversial remarks to a minimum.

Reflecting on his own success story and the challenges he faced, Marcus lamented the current environment for entrepreneurs, citing excessive regulations and what he called “woke crap” that hinder the creation of public companies. He emphasized the importance of focusing on business rather than involving it with social issues.

Despite his concerns, Marcus found hope in the American public’s growing opposition to left-wing economic policies and corporate wokeness. He cited examples like Budweiser’s decision to feature a trans influencer in their advertisement, which he believed backfired and led to a decline in sales. Marcus believes that there is still a chance to turn things around and save the country from what he sees as a declining path.

At 94 years old, Bernie Marcus continues to fight for his values and invest his money in supporting political candidates who align with his vision. As he said during the interview, “It’s why at 94 I’m spending a lot of my money trying to make sure we bring the right faces in front of” the American people.

With his wealth, influence, and unwavering determination, Marcus remains committed to making a difference and shaping the future of America.

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