The legal reform: how can you talk to a person like Simcha Rothman | opinion

by time news

Only four minutes of an interview given by Simcha Rothman on the “Ovda” program last night, were enough to understand who the man is, and to conclude that the video about him caused no less unrest than Itay Engel’s documentation about the war in Ukraine. He calmly says to the journalist’s second son: “Are you asking if I am underestimating your fears”? Yes I underestimate your fears. I wonder to myself if this is a creepy outburst, or a statement that was planned to be said well in advance.

Rothman: “Whoever complained about the barbershop is an anarchist, the demonstrations are against Netanyahu and not the reform”

Dear Mr. Rothman, you are not renewing anything for us. We knew you were peeing on us from the bouncer, but if you admit it yourself, who are we to argue with you? And to that the attorneys in court will respond “I rest my case”. In the same breath, Rotman tells Sonni that it is very important to demonstrate in order to understand what bothers the people and what scares them. Hello? can you hear yourself After all, just a second ago you underestimated our fears. And just a second ago, when you were asked if you were aware of the pain of the protesters, you said that even when it hurts, there are things you don’t do.

What things are not done? Not exercising the legitimate right to demonstrate? If you also want to take away this right from the citizens, are you surprised that they are worried that a dictatorship will arise here? How can you on the one hand say that it is important to demonstrate in order to understand the pain of the people, and in the same breath blurt out that you underestimate the same pain that motivates them to go out and demonstrate?

And I was also angry for a moment about Lapid, who sets the conditions for negotiations. However, how can one talk to a person like you, Simcha Rothman, who speaks from both ends of the mouth saying one thing, and means another, and in addition admits that he underestimates the other side and his fears. Perhaps you think that this way you will confuse the enemy, which you claim is the left, and in the eyes of your colleagues is considered a traitor, when the best sons of that left, served in the army and fought in Israel’s wars, unlike some people in your party, and protected you, so that you can implement your plan today, which For a moment you look and sound more and more malicious and terrifying.

You claim that the legal reform will unite entire audiences, such as the ultra-orthodox sector and the Likudniks. And what about the rest of the people? Go to hell? Here you said in your words the reason why the citizens of Israel are taking to the streets and who does the reform hurt? A second son asks, and you answer: “In an elite group that has gotten used to being able to rule the country without elections.”

Sorry? Maybe my eyesight is no longer 6/6, but it’s still good enough to see that you and your slanderous friend not only control, but want to impose laws on us that are not accepted by more than half of the people. Now repeat the mantra that the majority chose you. But the masses who demonstrate are not a handful, and their number that grows every day also includes voters from your side who are neither blind nor stupid, all of this should have kept sleep from your eyes, if the truth be told, the look that comes from them is a little scary.

Especially when you respond to Karin Elharer, who dares to express her feelings in a pleasant manner, that she is not comfortable with the way the legislative procedure is conducted in the committee, and instead of explaining your reasons to her, you answer her sarcastically: “No problem.” And when she feels that you are making demands at the expense of democracy, you still hit your thigh on the thigh and answer her: “Not at the expense of democracy, but at your expense.”

really nice You listened to the advice of Shafi Paz, who told you not to tear Karin Alharer out of shape, it requires a lot of patience. A sickening comment, especially when it comes to someone like Karin, who, despite her condition, inspires admiration for her courage. So, your disdain and that of your supporters, such as Shefi Paz, is also directed towards the weak?

Will this be the style of discourse from now on? Insulting your committee colleague? And you are still talking about elites. Meanwhile, you show quite a bit of arrogance and arrogance, by virtue of the honorable position that has fallen into your hands.

And if you testify that you are considered a minority, because you are religious and a settler, then why would a minority like you dictate to an entire nation how to live? I would also be a little bit conceited and not rule out Aharon Barak as a judge so easily. Where does this presumption of yours come from to know for sure that if a girl came to him and asked to be admitted to a flying course, he would scratch his chin and think: hmm…maybe we’ll accept her because she’s the neighbor’s daughter and she’s nice? Why slander him and treat him with bad behavior based on your imaginary hypothesis only?

And more about Aharon Barak. You decided that a person like him will not judge according to the law, but according to what he thinks the law should be. you made me laugh What are you doing today? Not trying to carve at lightning speed, without stopping at a red light, what do you think should be the law? So please take Kora out of your sight.

You quoted Aharon Barak who said that one should judge “according to the values ​​of the enlightened person”. And I ask: what’s wrong with that? In the dictionary, the word enlightenment means: cultural openness, tolerance, humane ideas, support for human rights and tolerance for opposing views” (and not throwing stun grenades that wound to the point of blood, those who oppose or disregarding the fears of the other whom you are supposed to serve). If this is what Aharon Barak meant , Bless you. You concluded the interview with the sentence that without the reform we will kill each other. To remind you, that the country has existed for 75 years and has achieved impressive achievements, without your reform, and without us killing each other, and whoever pulled the trigger to kill, belonged to the right, which you represent.

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