The legal reform: the Lebanese newspaper that dedicated its cover to the protest

by time news

The State of Israel has been in turmoil in recent times following the promotion of the government’s legal reform, while on the other hand, the civil protests against the coalition legislation continue. Recently there have also been disturbing statements warning of a “civil war” or “fraternal war”. Meanwhile, the Lebanese Al-Akhbar newspaper, which is affiliated with Hezbollah, this morning (Friday) devoted its coverage to the political storm in Israel, under the title “Israel is fighting itself”.

At the beginning of the article, the newspaper stated that “the internal battle in Israel has intensified, against the background of the gradual escalation of the opposition against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, and the growing tendency of the Prime Minister to suppress his opponents, while in the background his extremist government continues to gallop. According to the estimates and premise, the Zionist entity is on the brink of a civil conflict. However, so far, despite the growing warnings that ‘we are going through a deep and dangerous crisis that threatens us all’, according to the words of President Herzog, and despite public opinion polls opposing the government’s plans, one thing is certain – what will come after the government of Netanyahu, Ben Gabir and Smotrich, will not be similar to what was before her. This, when it is no longer possible to hide the disintegration of social cohesion.”

The demonstration yesterday on the way to peace in Tel Aviv. A screwdriver and a gas spray were found in the defendant’s possession (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

The demonstration yesterday on the way to peace in Tel Aviv. A screwdriver and a gas spray were found in the defendant’s possession (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

Later, the newspaper commented at length on the words of President Herzog, who warned that the State of Israel is in a phase of deep internal crisis. “The warning cannot necessarily prevent the inevitable fate, when it cannot be said that normal events are taking place on the streets of Tel Aviv, as well as in Jerusalem and the other cities where protests continue. This is a new social reality that the Israelis thought they had overcome. Disputes can be overcome, but it is difficult to skip the consequences their negativity,” the newspaper said.

According to the article, “the protest against amending the powers of the judiciary may obscure more important aspects of what it itself reveals. All the basic assumptions predict that there is a possibility that Israel will slide into an internal conflict, but the claim that this is inevitable seems exaggerated. Between the current reality as it is, on all Between the complexities and the Israeli civil war, there is a significant distance, during which the Israelis may be able to overcome it.”

Police officers and protesters against the reform in Tel Aviv (Photo: Tomer Neuberg Flash 90)

Police officers and protesters against the reform in Tel Aviv (Photo: Tomer Neuberg Flash 90)

However, “the removal of internal disputes does not mean that matters may not reach a boiling point, and that Jewish blood will not be spilled to one degree or another. Indeed, any change in the powers of the judiciary, the composition and method of appointing judges, requires oppositional activity in normal democratic countries, but in Israel it is It is necessary to double the resistance.”

At this point, the article cites several examples of this, the main one being Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “The prime minister is evading his trial, and he is willing to go as far as to cancel all charges against him, and on the way to surrender to the blackmail of his partners, who demand to promote their agenda, in a form and content that is contrary to democracy. Netanyahu has so far surrendered to blackmail, and has signed these agreements, and is working to fulfill these commitments, including Amending the powers of the judiciary and preventing the repeal of laws that are contrary to democratic values ​​or the security interest of the State of Israel.”

“The convergence of interests allowed the current government to do this, but on the condition that Netanyahu abide by what was agreed upon, and at the same time, prevent the judiciary from interfering with the laws and decisions of the coalition. This of course contradicts the ‘social contract’ in Israel, whether written or unwritten, which provokes the vehement opposition of most Israelis , whether traditional or secular.”

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