‘The letter with which I ended my marriage after a month? I would not rewrite it … »- time.news

by time news
from Valerio Cappelli

The actress, who returned to TV with Alessandro Gassmann, talks about herself without filters

Claudia Pandolfi lives in a little big contradiction between public and private life: the actress who claims the right to normality is experiencing the great return to popularity (and continues to be seen with a raised eyebrow by auteur cinema). He is on Rai Uno, with Alessandro Gassmann, in the series A professor; is touring for Amazon The Bad guy; at the cinema it came out For all life by Paolo Costella. From one set to another.

Yet she says of herself: I don’t feel like an actress: I do.

«It is a detached attitude that I repeat every day. I leave the actress in the dressing room. After a scene in a film, when I stop, I become myself. I try not to lie to myself, not to have superstructures. Being authentic improves relationships ».

He has been doing this job for thirty years.

«They have known me in all ways. They recently told me: you know you’re nice. It’s a funny thing. Perhaps it depends on the fact that before my discomfort outside the set came out of all pores, now I am less so, or rather I am in a more carefree and less grumpy way ».

But she is not at all unpleasant.
«What can I say, thank you, it often turns out like this. I don’t isolate myself on sets, it’s just that I don’t like telling myself. I would like to exist only in the characters I play ».

So becoming famous was a hassle …
“No, it was a shock, being the center of attention doesn’t belong to me, when I work I’m protected. After a set I feel immediately in another set, it is an alienating thing but it happens in reality ».

Every time I make a film I think it’s the last. She said so.
«And I think it, I feel the transience, every time you are chosen. Then I turn around and it’s been thirty years. For someone who wanted to do artistic gymnastics … I don’t experience competition, I don’t feel in competition with anyone ».

Wasn’t she tired of being a cop?

«Of course, in fact after the Police District I shot I High School. And luckily there is a director like Paolo Virzì who doesn’t care if I’ve done a lot of TV. The actor is one: where you put him, he is ».

But, apart from Virzì, the other cinema, that of the Festivals, does not call it.

“There is not a single intellectual director who hasn’t called me to an audition, even the one who passes for being the most haughty of all, you know who I’m talking about. They do it out of curiosity. It doesn’t matter, I enjoy myself, although sometimes I wonder why they don’t take me. Don’t you want me? Tié, I still enjoy it. I am happy like this. But then what does Festival cinema mean … The real world is outside, that is such an abstract world ».

Virzì called her for the third time.

“When he calls me I’m thrilled. It captures intimate keys without voyeurism. My first film with him is Ovosodo, my sister Enrica, who is ten years younger than me, used to be my little sister, then she didn’t want to continue as an actress, she didn’t enjoy herself, she works as an editor at the cinema. This new film with Paolo is called Drought, in a Rome where it hasn’t rained for three years, I’m an emergency room doctor, a tough, inscrutable woman ».

He is a portraitist of femininity …

“And also of the world, which it observes with a grotesque tinge. I am cynical so we get along well ».

“I always quote Woody Allen:” Life is a comedy written by a sadist. ” The unexpected always comes, for better or for worse. Life is so unsettling… I made another film with Virzì, but it’s by his brother Carlo, where I am a punk bassist. In life I strum the guitar. In the living room I have everything, the piano, the drums ».

How did it start?
«Michele Placido had seen me at Miss Italy, it was the edition won by Martina Colombari. There, lying and not asking me why I did it, even now I don’t know what to answer, I said that I wanted to become an actress. Not true, I saw myself as a gym teacher. And I would have failed because I’m too tall, my muscles, my joints… In short, I found myself shooting with Placido my first film, at 18, Friends of the Heart. They gave me eight million. With the money I also enrolled in a private school, I did four years in one and I graduated in accounting ».

Four years in one?
“Eh, in private teaching you can.”

Let’s imagine the mad and very desperate studio at Leopardi. Have you ever done psychoanalysis?

«Yes, between the ages of twenty and thirty, before my first child, Gabriele who is from 2006. I needed to interface with someone who was not from the family, to put things in order… I was full of pimples, I had stomach pains. My body spoke. ‘

The letter he wrote to Corriere in 1999 to explain his flash wedding with Massimiliano Virgili, left for Andrea Pezzi, a wedding as short as a cat on the ring road …
“It was a mistake, I realized later that in life you don’t have to justify yourself. It was a turbulent time. Many years have passed, I am different from then: but who is not? ».

And now she got married to Marco De Angelis on the street in Barcelona, ​​a “ritual” for you two.
“Our neighbor in the landscape, on a bridge, was wearing a priest’s tunic and a turban. It was clear that he was of another religion. He saw us in love, he put his hand on our head and said something, in a language that seemed to me Indian or Arabic, it’s embarrassing but I haven’t deciphered it. The whole thing lasted three minutes. We never talk about real marriage. ”

When he gets home, you too will talk about pro vax and no vax …
“The rules and the common good must be respected. I saw a cartoon of a son asking his father: why don’t I have smallpox signs? And he: because the vaccine worked. There are fragile people who cannot get vaccinated, and so far I agree. But it is for them that we have to get vaccinated. There is the data. There isn’t much to talk about: it just has to be done. “

But what are your other films and series about?
«In Un professore I finally make a Roman, I who come from Rome and have hardly ever asked me; I play an independent, free, tenacious woman, my son is a pupil of Prof Alessandro Gassmann, with whom I had a short experience, they meet us again and a tenderness is born. The Bad Guy is with two very young directors from Matera, competent, funny and ironic. Their names are Giuseppe Stasi and Giancarlo Fontana. The protagonist is Luigi Lo Cascio, a magistrate who fights the mafia and is involved in what he fights, I am his wife, a successful lawyer. In For a whole life there is the question: if the marriage were void what would you do? ».

Is it true that you would have trouble undressing on set today?
“It doesn’t sound like my phrase, of course you do it more familiarly at a young age, but if it were justified by the film I would have no problem showing myself naked in a film in front of my children. It is not the nudity, it is the context that counts ».

Have you ever played a femme fatale?

“I wouldn’t know how to do it, they would discover the flaw, I’m not a seductress at all.”

November 14, 2021 (change November 15, 2021 | 07:47)

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