A fire broke out at the Changhua factory of Lianhua Foods Company in the early morning of the 25th, resulting in the tragedy of 7 deaths and 15 injuries. Yan Shunfu, chairman of the National Federation of Fire Equipment Engineers Association of the Republic of China, said that the law on fire equipment personnel has six entries and six exits in the Legislative Yuan. Interest groups have been blocked for 25 years. Is the Internal Affairs Committee really worthy of the people?

Upon hearing that there was another major fire accident, Yan Shunfu couldn’t help but sighed and expressed that the things he was worried about had happened repeatedly like nightmares in the past two years. One fire after another, one life after another lost in the fire, history has always told us how important fire protection is in the professional division of construction, and how important fire protection is to the fire prevention system.

He said that in recent years, storage fires have occurred frequently. The Taoyuan Meifu in March 2021 and Kerry Dairong in 2019 have clearly told us that the current regulations are very important for the protection of fire protection equipment in high-bay storage. is not enough. For this reason, the Fire Department has intensively held the “Guidelines for the Design of Automatic Sprinkler Equipment for High-bay Storage Warehouses” regulation research group meetings in recent months, intending to revise the design standards for fire-fighting equipment for high-priced storage.

Yan Shunfu pointed out that he highly affirmed the actions of the central competent authority, but even if there is a complete design of laws and regulations, how much effect can it have if there is no complete implementation and management system? Even if there is a complete design, there is no effective maintenance and management, and then the responsibility for fires and casualties is shifted to the local competent authorities with insufficient manpower. help?

He said that the firefighting equipment and personnel law is a management law for the management of skilled personnel who have passed the national examination and are responsible for the design, supervision and maintenance of fire safety equipment in buildings. However, it has been in the Legislative Yuan for 25 years, from the fourth to the Now six entries and six exits, seeing that the term of this legislator is coming to an end, if this bill is allowed to enter seven and seven exits, is the Legislative Yuan really worthy of the people?

Yan Shunfu has been in the Legislative Yuan for 10 years since the eighth term, and he has tried his best to call for the implementation of a complete fire prevention system in order to truly protect the safety of people’s lives. However, even the former Interior Minister Xu Guoyong called on the Legislative Yuan to complete the legislation of the Fire Equipment and Personnel Law as soon as possible during his tenure. However, the Legislative Yuan was still blocked by interest groups and would rather continue to let this bill be delayed in the Internal Affairs Committee.

He emphasized that it is foreseeable that a system that is related to people’s lives and safety has not been managed for decades, and the quality of practice has gradually deteriorated. This is what the author has worried about in recent years. Please the Internal Affairs Committee face up to the safety of people’s lives and stop obstructing the improvement of the fire prevention system.

Lianhua Foods Changhua factory fire caused heavy casualties.Photo: Photo by Sun Jiaming