The Libertarian Government. A member of the Menem clan joins the small table of the Casa Rosada under the orbit of Karina MileiBy Cecilia Devanna

by times news cr

Eduardo “Lule” Menem, nephew of former president Carlos Menem and right-hand man of his cousin, Martín, head of the lower house, will be made official in the next few hours as head of one of the undersecretaries that reports to the general secretary of the presidency, Karina Milei. Low profile and long parliamentary experience after having worked since the return of democracy, alongside his other uncle, Eduardo Menem, in the Senate of the Nation. His arrival at Balcarce 50 was expected since the end of last year, but it was always assumed that it would take place once the omnibus law process in Congress was completed.given the central support that “Lule” means for the head of Deputies.

“Lule” is until now an advisor to honor in Congress, but his arrival at Casa Rosada takes place in the area that depends on the president’s sister, with whom he established an excellent relationship since they met through a barbecue at Martín Menem’s house, in 2021.

Father of eight children and River fan, like the rest of his family, Lule Menem is located behind the political organization that allowed La Rioja to be the first province that Milei visited and also a good part of what happened with the organization of Freedom Advances (LLA) throughout the country. Something that, although with enormous differences in time, he had done with his uncle Carlos, the idol of the current president.

“This is the most Menem of the Menem”They say that the former president used to say Carlos Menem of his second nephew, in reference to the fact that “Flower” He is the son of Mohamed and Fátima, two cousins ​​of the former president, who were not related between them, and they married in Yabrud, Syria, the town where the family came from to settle in La Rioja.

Since the libertarian administration began, Menem, 59, accompanied his cousin Martín, head of the Lower House, daily. occupying a central role in the negotiations around the frustrated omnibus law. “She spoke to everyone”, summarized in the libertarian ranks.

Karina Milei, Martín Menem and Lule Menem in Congress
Karina Milei, Martín Menem and Lule Menem in Congress

From the different ranks, they highlight his good manners and his knowledge of the parliamentary world, which he acquired when he trained at the age of 20 with former senator Eduardo Menem, father of the current head of Deputies. The relationship is extremely close “Lule is like the older brother of all of them,” they say in reference to Martín and his brothers, Adrián and Fernando. It was precisely Eduardo who brought him from La Rioja to Buenos Aires in the midst of democratic spring, 40 years ago. A formation that the ruling party and the opposition recognize after the hectic weeks in Parliament.

Through his uncle Eduardo he says that he has “admiration and adoration.” Since 1983 He accompanied his uncle in parliamentary work and he met many of the actors he continued to see for almost the next two decades. She was with Eduardo between 1984 and 1999, a period in which she also participated in the Constitutional Convention in which the National Constitution was reformed.

Between 2000 and 2002 he returned to La Rioja, his native province, to work during the government of Ángel Maza. From there he joined his uncle Carlos in the campaign for the 2003 elections. It was not the first time he had done so. Before the return of democracy he had begun to join the ranks of the young Peronists and worked in the campaign that brought his uncle to the Riojan governorship.

He was also part of the team that accompanied the former president in the Senate until he passed away, exactly three years ago. Just a few months after that, also in 2021, Lule meeting Milei. It was at the barbecue at his cousin Martín’s house, shortly before the midterm elections and when his cousin was preparing to enter politics. Those who deal with him say that Lule always highlights the “candor” of the current president. It was there too Karinawith whom he established an excellent relationship, and will become his superior in the General Secretariat of the Presidency.

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