The life-saving device of Prague Boutique Optique can also help passers-by (with video)

by time news

2023-04-21 00:00:00

Prague Boutique Optique, the specialist store that brings world brands of luxury glasses and fashion accessories to Szeged, opened its doors to the public just a year ago, and has already served as the venue for countless fashion shows and VIP events. Now, however, he is telling the people of Szeged something completely different.

In our country, more and more public institutions purchase life-saving equipment, small businesses and families rarely. However, where people work, a defibrillator may be needed at any time. By acquiring this, the social role of Pragai Látszerészet is exemplary because the resuscitation device was placed not only to save the lives of those staying in the new store, but also for the passers-by of Bartók tér, which is busy due to several bus stops and playgrounds.

– Charity has never been far from us, we have already helped several foundations and associations serving health preservation. During the Covid awe collected for Szeged SBO for two laryngoscopes. Now I am also driven by personal motivation: unfortunately, blood circulation collapse has also happened in the family, I know how important life-saving, quick help is. I think it is important for the people of Szeged to know: the employees of the Prague Boutique Optic shop have learned professional life saving and the use of the device at the CPR course held locally, so they can immediately participate in CPR even in unexpected situations, he said. András Prágai, manager of the three stores of Prágai Látszerészeti Kft.

The device placed in the specialty store the other day performs an ECG analysis, detects chest compressions, and gives voice instructions on what to do if necessary. Its use is clear, it gives step-by-step instructions to those involved in the rescue.

– In an emergency, the first step should always be to notify the emergency services, then start the professional chest compressions necessary to keep the person alive and continue until the emergency services arrive. In the meantime, let’s call for help to see if they can bring a defibrillator, which supports the life-saving process – explained Erika Varga, managing director of Defibrillátor Plusz Kft., leading instructor, adding that anyone can find information about Hungary’s defibrillator map on the Internet.

A sign will soon appear on the facade of Boutique Optique in Prague, inviting you to do so the attention of passers-by that there is a life-saving device in the specialist shop.

Contact: Prague Boutique Optique
6722 Szeged, Bartók tér 5.
Phone: +36-30/303-8286
6722 Szeged, Bartók tér 5.
Phone: +36-30/303-8286

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