The Likud jumps to 35 seats, who has a government?

by time news

Israel on the way to more elections? After the retirement of coalition chairman Idit Silman, who shook the government – a news poll published today (Wednesday) in the evening news indicates a jump of the Likud party led by Benjamin Netanyahu to 35 seats, compared to the March 2021 election – then the party received 30 seats. The coalition parties drop to 56 seats together.

There is a future led by Yair Lapid is strengthening slightly from the March 2021 elections – from 17 seats to 19. The right, led by Naftali Bennett, drops from 7 seats to 6. Bnei Gantz’s blue and white retains 8 seats, Meretz led by Nitzan Horowitz drops from 6 seats to 5 seats, as does Gideon Saar’s new hope.

The Labor Party, led by Merav Michaeli, lost two seats and remained with 5. Yisrael Beiteinu Avigdor Lieberman is weakened by 3 seats and achieves only four in the current poll.

According to the survey, religious Zionism led by Bezalel Smutrich is strengthening from 6 seats to 8. The Shas party, despite the resignation of chairman Aryeh Deri after the plea deal, maintains relative stability with 8 seats and so does Torah Judaism with 7 seats. The joint list remains with 6 seats and so does Mansour Abbas’ Ra’am, with 4 seats.

When asked if you knew about Idit Silman’s decision to resign from the coalition due to the High Court ruling on a ban on introducing chametz to hospitals on Passover, 79% of respondents said yes.

When asked whether you support the coalition chairman’s decision to resign, 38% of respondents said they support it. 43% of respondents opposed the move, 19% had no opinion. Among right-wing voters, 61% supported Silman’s resignation from the government, and left-wing voters supported Only 15% are asked.

The survey was conducted by the Canter Company today (Wednesday – 06.04.22), according to an online sample of 550 men and women aged 18 and over, including the Arab sector. The number of people asked to answer the survey is 3,457 and the maximum sampling error is 4.4%.

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