The lines haven’t moved

by time news

The Living Forces of Guinea were again in conclave with the Prime Minister at the Islamic Center of Donka, this April 12. Not much filtered from the head-to-head.

After a period of relaxation, tempers begin to heat up again. As we head towards the end of the month of Ramadan, a compromise has still not been found between the Forces vives de Guinea and the transitional authorities around an inclusive dialogue framework. The discussions on the prerequisites of the FVG stumble, each camp sticks to its position.

The CNRD would not like to give up on the question of political detainees or on the end of the ban on peaceful demonstrations, even less on legal harassment against political leaders. The junta would like the FVG to join the framework of the existing dialogue without preconditions. What this fringe of the political class is not ready to accept. A new round of discussions took place on April 12 under the aegis of the religious. Without much success. But Bishop Jacques Boston, spokesperson for the religious, is optimistic: “What we can tell you is that in a lapse of time, things will change. The Guineans are around the same table. What we said today will be known in the days to come. It takes small adjustments for us to come back and say what we have decided. We assure you that everything happens in the best conditions.

This optimism of the religious contrasts with the almost tense faces of the Prime Minister and the representatives of the FVG present at the meeting. At the end of the face-to-face, each of them rushed to their teuf-teuf, arguing that only religious are authorized to speak. Like that of April 3, this meeting will not have moved the lines.

The Forces vives de Guinée, who suspect the CNRD of trying to buy time, threaten to slam the door and call for demonstrations after Ramadan. Woika!

Yacine Diallo

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