“The Lion’s Den”: Inventions that go below the belt

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“The Lion’s Den”
Inventions that go below the belt

Nico Rosberg tries on a controversial pair of boxer shorts.

© RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer

Nico Rosberg lets down his pants in “Lion’s Cave” and when it comes to defecation, there is a particularly funny tasting.

Constantin Ricken (23) and Richard Getz (28) describe themselves as “saviors of the crown jewels” in the new episode of “Die Höhle der Löwen” (Mondays, 8:15 p.m., VOX). With their “Silverton” underpants they want to protect the male soft tissue from electric radiation. To demonstrate their boxer shorts, founder Richard strips down to his underwear without warning during the pitch. Nico Rosberg (36) climbs straight onto the Strip and personally tries on the trousers, which are designed to protect sperm.

The question, however, is whether this is necessary at all – which even the boys can only answer vaguely. Georg Kofler’s (64) opinion is clear: “Well, I think this is outright nonsense.” Nils Glagau (46) also lacks scientific arguments: “That’s too much marketing towards scaremongering for me.” After the boys couldn’t name a study, even the interested Rosberg, all investors are out.

Hotel, farm, circus, monastery: 35-year-old Sandra Fischer impresses the lions with her life story. The Swiss woman founded the natural cosmetics brand “Shea Yeah” and is offering 15 percent of the company for 110,000 euros. The products convince the lions – but not the prices. A can of body butter costs over 40 euros, a hand cream 32 euros. “Not competitive in terms of price,” points out Judith Williams (50). However, the likeable founder has clear quality standards – and now mentions an economics degree, which she also completed. Finally, Williams and Ralf Dümmel (55) are courting them. Dümmel wins and gets 25 percent of the company shares.

Maschmeyer finds his needle in a haystack

Max Roste (23) wants to bring authors into the 21st century with “audiry”. In the stories of the audio book app, users can decide for themselves at several points how to proceed. Rose’s software gives the authors the opportunity to create their story with different trading strands, have them spoken and then make them available to the users. “And now you decide how my story continues. Deal or no deal?” Rose concludes his pitch. The young computer science student particularly impressed Carsten Maschmeyer (62): “Investors are looking for a needle in a haystack, you are the needle.” Kofler and Maschmeyer want to get on together and with their offer – 200,000 euros for 20 percent – outperform Nils Glagau, who is also enthusiastic. Maschmeyer can hardly believe his luck: “He’s awesome. That’s the dream!”

The friends and hobby craftsmen Jan Gerlach (39), Dr. Christian Lehmann (36), Mario Drelas (33) and Krispin Schulz (40) want to lend out high-quality tools in an uncomplicated way with their toolbot stations. To do this, they have developed vending machines where tradespeople can pick up, borrow and return the tools themselves around the clock. The machines are as well thought out as the four friends’ business plan is vague. “We were all really into the basic idea when you guys came in […] But I’m afraid that the national rollout will fail due to the high capital requirements,” explains Kofler. The boys don’t get a deal, but they don’t let themselves be deterred: “We already have many other plans on how we can get the money, so that we can get the people provide good tools.”

A treat with consequences

Kerstin Hansen (54) and Louis Lowe (26) are mother and son, fasting fans and experts on intestinal health. They’re bringing an alternative to defecation into the lion’s den that works without Glauber’s salt or enemas: a fermented variety of plum from Southeast Asia. This time, the lions reacted cautiously to the taste test: “I have a train journey ahead of me today. How much time do I have there,” asks Rosberg. Dümmel laughs: “Usually we’re always so quick to eat and drink…”

Nils Glagau dares first, Williams, Rosberg and Dümmel follow suit. The taste and sense of the thing are convincing, but above all the mother-son team. Dümmel: “How to present emptying of the bowel in such a friendly and nice way…” After the taste and a lecture on intestinal health, both Glagau and Williams want to invest – whereupon the founders simply ask if they can have both. Can they: With the joint offer for 100,000 euros for 30 percent, mother and son don’t have to think long: “Sure we’ll do it.” With the deal, the recording is over and Glagau says goodbye to his fellow investors with the saying: “Happy toilet trips!”


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