the living forces between support and rejection – Info-Matin

by time news

The “final” Draft of the new Constitution officially submitted by the members of the Finalization Commission, on February 27, 2023, to the President of the transition seems, for the moment, far from achieving unanimity. Between support and rejection, Malians are showing themselves to be more and more divided as we move towards a postponement of the referendum initially scheduled for March 19, 2023. The Constitution is a key element of the vast reform project invoked by the authorities of the transition who want to return power to civilians in 2024.

The commission that finalized the project officially submitted the document to the President of the transition a few weeks ago, had been set up by a decree of the President in order to make the final touches necessary for, it is said, more inclusiveness following the work of the editorial committee. Which work led to the draft constitution.
Following the publication of the document, clerics grouped within the Malian League of Imams and Scholars for Islamic Solidarity (LIMAMA) challenged, via a press briefing, the provision related to secularism in the Draft Constitution .
A platform composed of political parties, civil society organizations, magistrates also wants to give voice by opposing the new fundamental law.
In contrast to these detractors of the presidential initiative, the largest trade union federation, the UNTM, has just called, in a press release dated March 6, on all its structures to fully support initiatives for political, democratic , Economic and social.

On March 7, LIMAMA called on the Muslim faithful to oppose the Draft new Constitution presented by the finalization commission and to maintain the principle of secularism in the State. This influential organization, in our predominantly Muslim country, is launching this appeal a few days before the date initially scheduled for a referendum on this new Constitution.
The Malian League of Imams, an organization enjoying strong credit, denounced the maintenance of the principle of secularism of the State in relation to the 1992 Constitution.
She calls for “the pure and simple withdrawal of the word” secularism from the constitutional project and its replacement by “multi-confessional state”.
Secularism “is a trick that governments use as they please to padlock religions”, according to her.
The League “solemnly urges all patriotic Muslims to vote against the draft Constitution in its present form in the referendum”.
But at this level, it should be noted that this position of LIMAMA is not shared by the High Islamic Council of Mali, according to certain confidences.
Before LIMAMA, the Free Trade Union of Magistracy (SYLIMA), in a press release made public on March 1, had called for a real separation of powers which would go through the strengthening, without delay, of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, which it considers as the only legitimate body to manage the various issues namely: the recruitment of the magistrate, his training, his salary, his career as well as his working conditions. SYLIMA regrets that the said Finalization Committee only took into account a single point of its recommendations formulated on October 27, 2022.
Under the group fire of various organizations for some time, the President of the transition has just had significant support, namely that of the National Union of Workers of Mali (UNTM).
In a press release dated March 6, 2023, the Executive Bureau of the UNTM solemnly affirmed its unreserved adherence to the relevant provisions following the finalization of the draft Constitution marked by reforms and reformulations suitable for Mali.
In its document, the Executive Office of the National Union of Workers of Mali (UNTM) welcomes the political will of the President of the Transition for an unreserved inclusion of all the politico-social forces in the design of the preparatory tools credible, transparent democratic elections which Mali will have to face.
To do this, the Executive Board of the UNTM, under the pen of its Secretary General, Yacouba KATILE, asks all its structures to fully support political, democratic, economic and social renovation initiatives.
At a press conference this Saturday, March 4, 2023, officials from the Observatory for Elections and Good Governance in Mali (OBSERVATORY) concluded that the Draft Constitution presented several advances in terms of democracy and elections.
Its president, Dr. Ibrahima SANGHO, declared to the press that the adoption of this Draft Constitution, which records 14 major advances, despite certain shortcomings, can be a good thing for democracy and stability in Mali. To do this, he invited the authorities to engage in dialogue with socio-political actors.

By Abdoulaye OUATTARA

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