The longing for the resurgence of Abadessenc

by time news

2023-10-27 06:30:10

L’Abbess is one of the historical ones of Girona football that after recently tasting higher categories like the First Catalan (2015/16) is now anchored in Catalan Thirdfrom 2019. A Saint John, however, they are clear that they should be higher. Last season they tried for promotion, but ran into one ovens that did not give rest.

This year, they aspire to get the only place that is up for grabs. Abadessenc is the leader of group 3 with two points more than him Sant Privat d’en Bas. The set of Jordi Molera remains unbeaten: five wins and one draw. The two proper names of the template are Isma Taleb i Juanjo Sanmartinwith experience in Third Division. Both are set in Olot and now, at 40 and 35 years old, they are the pillars of the people of Ripoll. Isma tasted the Tercera with the Peralada and Juanjo with Olot and the Borrow.

Isma, who plays central and midfielder, is clear that “the category that quietly corresponds to Abadessenc is the Second Catalan. Let’s see if this year is the good one; we have a wider and more competitive workforce.” The ex of Olot, Vic i bathrooms considers that the direct rivals are “San Gregorio, Amer, Fontcover i Sarria, but I was surprised by Sant Privat. It will be very difficult.”

Isma played at Peralada de Raul Agné that in 2004 faced Barça in the semi-finals of the Catalonia Cup: “I couldn’t believe it, I was in another world”, he remembers. He has his son playing al Tosca Forest prebenjamí and wants to retire this year with the cherry on top: “This year will be my last. I wanted to retire (in May), but I was left with the thorn of not going up».

Together with Juanjo, they bring “experience” to the group. He defends him, which he left Uruguay to go to the Garrotxa aged 12, he remembers that with Olot in the Third Division he matched with Àlex Granell, Albert Serra, George Dot i Jordi Freixa. This is his eighth year at Sant Joan de les Abadesses, with an impasse at Saint Paul: “Since I’ve been at the club, the goal has always been to go up; must be at least Second. We’re always up there, this year we started strong and let’s see if we don’t slack off.” Juanjo believes that the rivals are “l’Amer, Sarrià and Besalú» and trusts that «more and more people will come to the house; we have a strong football atmosphere.”

4 survivors of the historic year in Primera Catalana

L’Abadessenc, chaired by Joel Reguereached its peak in May 2015 when it achieved historic promotion to Primera Catalana after being proclaimed champion of Segona Catalana ahead of the Camprodon.

The joy lasted only a year. The black-and-white team finished penultimate after facing rivals such asAndorra, Laziness, Vilassar de Mar, Horta o Girona B. From that 2015/16 squad there are four survivors who still play for Abadessenc: Aleix Contreras -the captain-, Luke Mora, Dani Gonzalez i Sergi Cabanas.

#longing #resurgence #Abadessenc

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