The López Beltráns seal a ‘pact of complicity with Amílcar’: Loret de Mola 2024-07-30 11:30:00

by time news

CDMX.- Andres and Gonzalo Lopez Beltranchildren of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, says the journalist Carlos Loret de Mola, They sealed the pact of impunity with their friend and front man, Amílcar Olán Apariciothrough the letter they published in the newspaper La Jornada.

Today in his column “Reporter Stories”, which resumes after a long vacation period that began in the context of a persecution by the Obradorist government, warns that although the letter was the idea of López Obrador, the president, “has not said a single word” on the matter so far.

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“After announcing several times in the morning that his children were going to publish it, AMLO has not referred to, taken up, mentioned, cited, promoted, or recalled the letter… The President’s silence on his children’s letter exposes the failure “It was a public relations maneuver,” the journalist notes in his article.

Last week, on Wednesday, July 24, Andy and Bobby, as both sons of the President are known, published an open letter in the newspaper La Jornada through which They defended themselves against accusations of corruptionclaiming that it is nothing more than slander.

“During these years we decided to resist the onslaught by keeping silent and letting our father answer the slander and lies that our adversaries have continually used against us in order to use us to weaken their credibility and moral strength”they explain.

In the document they also claim that they have been harassed and persecuted by “people of dubious respectability and proven links to political corruption,” but warn that “everything has a limit.”


For Loret de Molahowever, The López Beltráns did nothing more than defend their contractor friends and validate “the authenticity of the telephone recordings that expose them” In the various cases of corruption that have been made known by the press, among them, Latin.

“They also defended the tenders and assignments that favored their friends, confirmed the existence of many of the businesses mentioned, and did not distance themselves at all from the key piece to understand the plot they are involved in: their close associate Amílcar Olán.”

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In his column, the journalist points out that The businessman has been “the voice that has recounted in great detail the network of corruption and influence peddling led by the sons of the President of Mexico”in reference to the leaked audios where he is the protagonist.

According to Loret de Mola, the President’s children never said in the letter that Amílcar was a liar and, on the contrary, confirmed that they had known him for years and that they assured him that “his business dealings with the government were legitimate, and they even treated him like a victim.”

In that sense, for the editorialist “The letter was the seal of the pact of complicity with Amilcar”who receives privileged treatment in the government of the so-called 4T, which as far as is known has not opened any investigation into him.

2024-07-30 11:30:00

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